What password do I use when logging in with my uniqname? What is a UMICH password used for?

As a member of the University of Michigan College of Engineering, you have a U-M uniqname and UMICH password which grants you access to many services like your U-M Google Email & Drive, Wolverine Access, or access to log in at CAEN computer labs.

Protecting Your Password

U-M computing account holders are frequently targeted by malicious intruders (hackers) in an attempt to obtain access to the network, and your files or personal information. Once an account has been compromised, a hacker can use it for any number of destructive or illegal purposes. Furthermore, when a hacker uses your account to conduct their devious deeds, they are essentially doing it under an assumed name: Yours!

Selecting a good password can help ensure that hackers will be unsuccessful in their attempts.

  • If you have questions about changing your password, or if you are unable to change your password successfully, contact the ITS Service Center for assistance.
  • If you believe your UMICH password has been compromised or hacked, refer to the U-M Safe Computing website for information on how to proceed.