What updates or additions have recently been made to CAEN's WordPress service?

The WordPress service is frequently updated to patch existing software and add new features. Those who wish to receive email messages about recent updates to the service are encouraged to join the caen-wordpress-updates MCommunity group.

January 22, 2024 - Release 5.0.1

  • Body and heading fonts changed to sans-serif to align with Michigan Engineering branding and better readability. [Image 1]
  • Light gray site-wide background now set to white. [Image 1]
  • Page titles are now repositioned to be the first element below the navigation, instead of appearing lower than the breadcrumbs or the top left-sidebar item. [Image 1]
  • Page titles are now dark U-M blue instead of gray per U-M brand guidelines [Image 1]
  • Several minor style updates to the breadcrumbs. [Image 1]
  • Links across the body of the site are now dark U-M blue by default and underlined instead of the previous red with no underline. [Image 1]
  • If a custom link color is applied to a paragraph, heading, or button in the WordPress editor, that color will now be applied instead of the default link color.
  • A hover effect has been added to all links (does not apply to buttons). This will be the same link hover effect currently found on the main Michigan Engineering website.
  • The left sidebar and homepage bottom bar have undergone several style updates to reduce the number of background color and font variations across a page, providing a cleaner, lighter look. [Image 2]
  • RSS Blocks placed in the widget bar have improved appearance. [Image 2]
  • Changed black footer to blue for better brand alignment and cleaner look [Image 3]
  • Changed the static footer links from always displaying Login and Logout to only showing one link depending on user login status; increased Login/Logout font size [Image 3]
  • New Theme Settings in site Customizer [Image 4]:
    • Located under “Theme Layout Settings”
    • Setting Page Title Position allows you to choose to center or left align page titles across the website. The default is to left align page titles
    • Setting Widget Accent Color allows you to choose from five Michigan Engineering branded colors for the widget accent color. This setting defaults to Maize
    • This accent color will also apply to any element that is given the caen-highlight class under a block’s advanced settings in the block editor
  • Added ability to add padding to Group, Paragraph, Heading, and other blocks under the block settings. This will be found under the block’s settings → Styles → Dimensions. [Image 5]
  • Added “My Reusable Patterns” link to the WordPress admin menu. [Image 6]

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Image 4:

Image 5:

Image 6:

January 26, 2020 - Release 5.0.0

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Advanced Excerpt 4.3.8
    • Jetpack 9.2.1
    • Slack Chat 1.2.46
    • Yoast SEO 15.5
    • Akismet Anti-Spam 4.1.8
  • New plugin added:
    • Better Search Replace 1.3.4 (for CAEN staff use)

December 8, 2020 - Release 4.9.9

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Advanced Custom Fields 5.9.3
    • Akismet Spam Protection 4.1.7
    • Atomic Blocks 2.9.0
      • Will soon be renamed to Genesis Blocks in the future
    • Breadcrumb Nav 6.6.0
    • Disable Comments 2.0.2
    • Font Awesome 4.0.0-4c21
    • Google Apps Login 3.4.3
    • Jetpack 9.2
    • MetaSlider 3.19.1
    • Yoast SEO 15.4
    • Redirection 4.9.2
    • TinyMCE Adv 5.5.2
      • Name changed to Advanced Editor Tools
    • WP Video Lightbox 1.9.1

October 8, 2020 - Release 4.9.8

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Advanced Custom Fields 5.9.1
    • Atomic Blocks 2.8.6
    • Classic Editor 1.6
    • Disable Comments 1.11.0
    • Jetpack 8.9.1
    • MetaSlider 3.18.1
  • WordPress core updated to 5.5.1

July 31, 2020 - Release 4.9.7

  • Installs Font Awesome plugin.
  • Removes Google Site Kit plugin.
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Advanced Custom Fields 5.8.12
    • Advanced Excerpt 4.3.7
    • Akismet Anti-Spam 4.1.6
    • Atomic Blocks 2.8.5
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 6.5.0
    • Google Apps Login 3.4.2
    • JetPack 8.7.1
  • Adds admin-only report on which sites use Gutenberg.

June 15, 2020 - Release 4.9.6

  • Installs Atomic Blocks plugin for additional block editor functionality.

April 28, 2020 - Release 4.9.5

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Advanced Excerpt 4.3.5
    • Akismet Anti-Spam 4.3.4
    • Google Apps Login 3.4
    • JetPack 8.4.2
    • MetaSlider 3.16.4
    • Redirection 4.7.1
    • Site Kit by Google 1.7.1
    • Slack Chat 1.2.43
    • TinyMCE Advanced 5.4.0
    • WP Importer 0.7
    • WP Video Lightbox 1.8.9
  • Installs Yoast SEO plugin - see our new article on using this plugin on your website.

March 16, 2020 - Release 4.9.4

  • Bug fixes for the Renovation theme:
    • Removes a check for a missing default contact person photo.
    • Stops automatically hiding the left sidebar when using the Default page template, even when there is no content in the left sidebar. You must now use the Full Width page template if you don't want a left sidebar.
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Advanced Excerpt 4.3.4
    • Akismet Anti-Spam 4.1.3
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 6.4.0
    • CMB2 2.7.0
    • Redirection 4.6.2
    • Site Kit by Google 1.2.0
    • JetPack 8.1.1
  • Installs Social Intents Slack Chat plugin for use on the CAEN website.

January 13, 2020 - Release 4.9.3

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Advanced Custom Fields 5.8.7
    • TinyMCE Advanced 5.3.0
    • Redirection 4.5.1
    • MetaSlider 3.15.3
    • Google Site Kit 1.1.3
    • Jetpack by WordPress 8.0
    • Google Login 3.3
  • Bug fix:
    • Removes a check for the MetaSlider plugin that broke with a core upgrade.

October 29, 2019 - Release 4.9.2

  • Accessibility: adds missing label to search form.
  • New feature: add 'class="fixed-head"' to tables to create a scrollable table with a frozen first row.

October 24, 2019 - Release 4.9.1

  • Replaces Michigan Engineering header logo with SVG to improve quality on high-resolution displays. This change affects the following themes:
    • CoE Responsive
    • Renovation
  • Bug fixes for Quick Links widget:
    • Fixes a bug in the Renovation theme where links in the Quick Links widget that have been visited are the wrong color.
    • Fixes a bug in all themes where the Quick Links widget did not honor "open in new window" selections.
  • Accessibility:
    • Retrieves alt text for site contacts and page contacts and adds it to the HTML.
  • Page Contacts in the Renovation theme:
    • Converts Page Contact fields to use Advanced Custom Fields. Maintains backward compatibility with old custom field implementation. Existing page contacts will not go away, but will need to be re-added using the new fields in order to be edited.
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Advanced Custom Fields 5.8.5
    • MetaSlider 3.15.0
    • Redirection 4.4.2

September 19, 2019 - Release 4.9

  • Installs Advanced Custom Fields plugin with admin access only for Network Administrators
  • Installs a custom plugin for Calls to Action
    • This plugin works only on websites using the new Renovation theme. To request this new theme, email caen@umich.edu.
  • Fixes RSS widget appearance on the Renovation theme

August 29, 2019 - Release 4.8

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Jetpack by WordPress.com 7.6
    • Redirection 4.3.3
    • TinyMCE Advanced 5.2.1
  • Fixes a variety of widget styling issues in new Renovation theme.
  • Reorganizes element structure in CoE Events widget to follow best practices.

August 14, 2019 - Release 4.7

  • WordPress core updated to 5.2.2
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Advanced Excerpt 4.3.1
    • Redirection 4.3.1
    • MetaSlider 3.14.0

May 17, 2019 - Release 4.6

  • Installs Classic Editor plugin
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Advanced Excerpt 4.2.8
    • Akismet Anti-Spam 4.1.2
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 6.3.0
    • Disable Comments 1.9.0
    • Jetpack by WordPress.com 7.3.1
    • MetaSlider 3.13.1
    • Redirection 4.2.3
    • TinyMCE Advanced 5.2.0

May 3, 2019 - Release 4.5.1

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Advanced Excerpt 4.2.6
    • Akismet Anti-Spam 4.1.1
    • CMB2 2.6.0
    • Jetpack 7.1.1
    • MetaSlider 3.11.1
  • Removes unused plugins:
    • BU Navigation
    • My Sites Search

March 4, 2019 - Release 4.5

  • Replaces WP Social Login plugin with Google Apps Login.

October 4, 2018 - Release 4.4.2

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Advanced Excerpt 4.2.5
    • Akismet 4.0.8
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 6.2.0
    • JetPack 6.5
    • MetaSlider 3.9.1
    • Redirection 3.5
    • TinyMCE Advanced 4.8.0
    • WP Video Lightbox 1.8.6

September 20, 2018 - Release 4.4.1

  • Code clean-up: removes unused Google Search Appliance (GSA) code and GSA/G-CSE toggle ability.

July 25, 2018 - Release 4.4

  • Adds support for searching using a Google Custom Search Engine (G-CSE).
  • Adds a temporary ability to toggle between GSA and G-CSE search for Super Administrators only.
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Akismet Ant-Spam 4.0.7
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 6.1.0
    • CMB2 2.4.2
    • JetPack 6.2.1
    • MetaSlider 3.8.1
    • TinyMCE Advanced 4.7.11

April 26, 2018 - Release 4.3.7

  • Updates JetPack from version 5.9 to 6.0.
  • Hides post tag/category text options when that text is hidden.

April 12, 2018 - Release 4.3.6

  • Updates left sidebar navigation to expand only the children of the current parent and ancestors, not the cousins of the current page.
  • Moves "MetaSlider" dashboard button directly below "Slider" dashboard button.
  • Updates the MetaSlider plugin version from 3.7.0 to 3.7.2.

March 15, 2018 - Release 4.3.5

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Akismet Anti-Spam 4.0.3
    • JetPack by WordPress.com 5.9
    • MetaSlider 3.7.0
    • WordPress Importer 0.6.4

February 13, 2018 - Release 4.3.4

  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixes a fatal error (is_plugin_active not defined) and warning (PHP 4 constructor).
    • Updates button styles to address a Firefox bug.
  • Adds ability to show or hide category and tag lists and to change the category and tag list prefixes.
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Redirection 3.2
    • JetPack 5.8
    • TinyMCE Advanced 4.6.7
    • Portfolio Gallery 2.4.2
    • WP Video Lightbox 1.8.5
    • Meta Slider 3.6.8
    • Disable Comments 1.7.1
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 6.0.4
    • Akistmet 4.0.2

January 18, 2018 - Release 4.3.3

  • Introduces a new DPSS Alert Widget to display active emergency alerts from the DPSS feed.

October 5, 2017 - Release 4.3.2

  • Updates slider widget area so it is only available when the Meta Slider plugin is active.

August 24, 2017 - Release 4.3.1

  • Removes AddThis Share Buttons plugin (was not in use)
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Akismet 3.3.4
    • Redirection 2.7.1

August 10, 2017 - Release 4.3

  • Updates CoE Events widget to pull from events.engin.umich.edu.
  • Removes old CoE, CoE Research, and Generic Research themes.
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 5.7.1
    • Disable Comments 1.7
    • Google Analyticator 6.5.4
    • JetPack 5.2.1
    • TinyMCE Advanced 4.6.3

July 27, 2017 - Release 4.2

  • Installs free version of Portfolio Gallery plugin for testing by requesting group.
  • Moves Page/Post Headers above the title of the page/post.
  • Adds alternate text support to profile images to improve accessibility.
  • Neatens drop-down menu spacing on navigation menu.

July 13, 2017 - Release 4.1.3

  • Updates print layout for Phone List.
  • Adds a theme option (available via Appearance -> Customize) that reintroduces automatically generated anchor links when more than one H2 is present in the page.
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Akismet 3.3.2
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 5.7.0
    • Google Analyticator 6.5.3
    • JetPack 5.0
    • Meta Slider 3.5.1
    • Redirection 2.6.2
    • Share Buttons by AddThis 5.3.5

June 15, 2017 - Release 4.1.2

  • Adds ability to use custom search collections.

May 26, 2017 - Release 4.1.1

  • Update to CoE News Plugin to process MENC URLs.

May 19, 2017 - Release 4.1

  • Introduction of Expansive Slider via the Meta Slider plugin.

February 23, 2017 - Release 4.0.5

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 5.6.0
    • Disable Comments 1.6
    • Google Analyticator 6.5.2
    • JetPack 4.5
    • Redirection 2.5
    • TinyMCE Advanced 4.4.3

December 1, 2016 - Release 4.0.4

  • Updates JetPack plugin to 4.4.1
  • Widens CoE info in the footer of the CoE Responsive theme
  • Decreases indentation of sub-navigation items

November 17, 2016 - Release 4.0.3

  • Adds support for Site Message to responsive themes
  • Decreases padding around sub-navigation for responsive themes
  • Updates contact info in the footer of CoE Responsive theme
  • Updates to reports dashboard for Super Administrators of the network

October 20, 2016 - Release 4.0.2

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 5.5.2
    • BU Navigation 1.2.11
    • Google Analyticator
    • JetPack 4.3.2
    • Share Buttons by AddThis 5.3.4

September 22, 2016 - Release 4.0.1

  • Fixes bug where responsive themes think there are widgets in the left sidebar when contact info is moved to the footer
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Akismet 3.2
    • Disable Comments 1.5.2
    • WordPress Importer 0.6.3
    • WP Video Lightbox 1.8.4

September 15, 2016 - Release 4.0

  • Publishes the complete set of responsive themes: CoE Responsive and Other Research Responsive
  • Adds "move to footer" feature for site contact person to responsive themes

August 25, 2016 - Release 3.4.9

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 5.5.1
    • Disable Comments 1.5.1
    • WP Video Lightbox 1.8.3
  • Adds custom link option to profiles, which overrides the link to the default WordPress profile if entered
  • Fixes a bug in profile grids that caused long email addresses to overflow

August 12, 2016 - Release 3.4.8

  • Profiles:
    • Updates how profiles are displayed by tag behind the scenes
    • Fixes a bug where <br> was disallowed in short descriptions
  • Adds missing closing tag to footer of CoE theme

July 28, 2016 - Release 3.4.7

  • Updates to reports dashboard for Super Administrators of the network
  • Change color of search labels in page content to black
  • Restrict profile short descriptions to a subset of inline tags
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Jetpack 4.1.1
    • WP Video Lightbox 1.8.1

July 5, 2016 - Release 3.4.6

  • Updates to reports dashboard for Super Administrators of the network
  • Removes references to out-of-date URLs in theme files
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Jetpack 4.0.4
    • TinyMCE Advanced
    • WP Video Lightbox 1.8.0

June 16, 2016 - Release 3.4.5

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Redirection 2.4.5
    • Share Buttons by AddThis 5.3.3
  • Bug fix in title of single profiles

June 2, 2016 - Release 3.4.4

  • Critical security update to JetPack 4.0.3

May 20, 2016 - Release 3.4.3

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Akismet 3.1.11
    • Disable Comments 1.5
  • Fixes style bugs in Contact Person for Other Research Responsive theme
  • Fixes bug in slider arrow placement for Other Research Responsive theme
  • Adds print view for Other Research Responsive theme

April 28, 2016 - Release 3.4.2

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • AddThis 5.3.2
    • WP Video Lightbox 1.7.9
    • Redirection 2.4.4
    • Jetpack 4.0.1
    • Disable Comments 1.4.2
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 5.4.0
    • Akismet 3.1.10
  • Adds support for left sidebar Contact Person to Other Research Responsive theme
  • Adds option to hide Contact Person to Other Research Responsive theme
  • Fixes bug in profile images

March 28, 2016 - Release 3.4.1

  • Bug fix for slider selection on Other Research Responsive
  • Allow basic HTML in Profile short descriptions
  • Adds Post Page template to Other Research Responsive

February 25, 2016 - Release 3.4

  • Includes the fully responsive Other Research Responsive Theme (official announcement and documentation to come)
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • TinyMCE Advanced 4.2.8
    • Share Buttons 5.3.0

February 4, 2016 - Release 3.3.5

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Disable Comments 1.4
    • JetPack 3.9.1

January 21, 2016 - Release 3.3.4

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Akismet to 3.1.7
    • Breadcrumb NavXT to 4.3.1
    • BU Navigation to 1.2.8
    • Jetpack to 3.9
    • Share Buttons by AddThis to 5.2.3
    • WP Video Lightbox to 1.7.8
  • Profiles: bug fix for displaying by tag
  • Profiles: removes requirement that email address contain '@'

December 10, 2015 - Release 3.3.3

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • AddThis Share Buttons 5.2.0
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 5.3.0
    • JetPack 3.8.1
    • Redirection 2.4.3
    • WP Video Lightbox 1.7.7

November 12, 2015 - Release 3.3.2

  • Removes link to homepage from title of RSS widget
  • Changes Profile Section headings to be smaller (H3)

October 15, 2015 - Release 3.3.1

Updates to the following plugin versions:

  • AddThis Share Buttons 5.1.2
  • Akismet 3.1.5
  • JetPack 3.7.2
  • Redirection 2.4.2
  • WP Social Login 2.3.0

October 6, 2015 - Release 3.3

  • Introduces Profiles - a new, easier way to display people listings with several options for views and sorting.

September 17, 2015 - Release 3.2.3

  • Adds span around breadcrumbs for all themes
  • Adds post-date class to post pages
  • Fixes bug with post header and footer positioning
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Jetpack 3.7
    • Redirection 2.4.1
    • TinyMCE Advanced 4.2.5

September 3, 2015 - Release 3.2.2

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • AddThis Sharing Buttons 5.1.1
    • BU Navigation 1.2.7
    • Google Analyticator
    • TinyMCE Advanced
    • WP Video Lightbox 1.7.6

August 20, 2015 - Release 3.2.1

  • Fixes a bug in category and tag archives
  • Fixes a bug in post excerpts 
  • Fixes a bug in page header and footer
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • AddThis 5.0.12
    • Disable Comments 1.3.2
    • JetPack 3.6.1
    • WordPress SEO 2.3.2

July 7, 2015 - Release 3.2

  • Adds ability to insert a header and footer in pages and posts through the customizer dashboard
  • Allows default 'read more' tags to generate 'continue reading' text
  • Adds support to all themes for left sidebar menus created in the Menu section of the dashboard
  • Reorders menu items in the dashboard
  • Adds 'Home: 2-Column' template to Generic Research Theme
  • Removes author and date info from bottom of single post view
  • Changes all post views to have two columns
  • Adds a class around breadcrumbs for easier per-site customization
  • Fixes a bug with sticky header/sidebar where drop-down nav could become unclickable
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • AddThis 5.0.7
    • Google Analyticator

June 23, 2015 - Release 3.1

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • AddThis 5.0.7
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 5.2.2
    • BU Navigation 1.2.6
    • Google Analyticator
    • JetPack 3.5.3
    • Redirection 2.3.15
    • WordPress SEO 2.2.1
    • WP Video Lightbox 1.7.5
  • Introduces templates for post views and organization: single-post views, multi-post views, and category and tag views.

June 1, 2015 - Release 3.0

  • Move to a new cloud host
  • WordPress version update: 4.2.2
  • Installs plugin: WordPress Social Login 2.2.3

May 6, 2015 - Release 2.9.1

  • WordPress version update: 4.2.1
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • AddThis 4.0.7
    • Disable Comments 1.3.1
    • Jetpack 3.5
    • Redirection 2.3.15
    • WordPress SEO 2.1.1
    • WP Video Lightbox 1.7.3
  • Increases RSS widget refresh rate to once every four hours
  • Adds Google Analytics Site Search support
  • Adds support for Total Slider sidebar widget to Generic Research theme using the "Upgraded" slider theme

February 24, 2015 - Release 2.9

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • Jetpack 3.3.2
    • Redirection 2.3.14
    • WordPress SEO
  • Updates to the Usage Reports view for network administrators
  • Adds Site Map sections for Draft and Private pages; changes Hidden pages to work with current navigation
  • Update to only show "continue reading" link on excerpts when needed
  • Changes name of Hide Custom Fields plugin to CAEN Hide Custom Fields
  • Changes name of Web Publishing Service WordPress Reports to CAEN WordPress Usage Reports
  • Returns expanded slider to original height for No Nav pages

January 29, 2015 - Release 2.8

  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • AddThis for WordPress 4.0.3 (Previously called AddThis Share)
    • Breadcrumb NavXT 5.2.0
    • Redirection 2.3.13
    • TinyMCE Advanced 4.1.7
  • Deletes the following plugins:
    • WYSIWYG Widgets
    • WP-dTree

January 15, 2015 - Release 2.7

  • Updates WordPress version to 4.1

January 13, 2015 - Release 2.6

  • Installs Jetpack plugin
  • Fixes spelling error on Multicolor WYSIWYG Widgets title
  • Updates to the following plugin versions:
    • AddThis Share 4.0.1
    • BU Navigation 1.2.5
    • Disable Comments 1.2
    • Google Analyticator 6.4.8
    • Redirection 2.3.11
    • TinyMCE Advanced 4.1.1
    • WordPress SEO 1.7.1
    • WPMU Users Dropdown 1.5.0
    • WP Video Lightbox 1.7.1
  • Bolds current page in new navigation
  • Adds a "go back" link to the 404 error message
  • Removes theme support for custom background images
  • Updates table header styles
  • Updates expanded slider to work with all currently available page templates

October 2, 2014 - Release 2.5

  • Installs BU Navigation plugin
  • Adds style updates for navigation created with BU Navigation
  • Updates Usage Reports plugin to sort results alphabetically by site name
  • Hides post authors
  • Adds Home: No Nav page template
  • Fixes expanded sliders to work with the Home: No Nav template
  • Fixes oversized images to work with all No Nav templates
  • Imports the Research theme's main stylesheet into the Generic Research theme's main stylesheet
  • Updates Contact widget style to look better on sites with Sticky Header/Sidebar enabled
  • Fixes Sticky Header/Sidebar to work with No Nav pages
  • Removes AddThis share toolbar from the tops of pages using the No Nav: 1 Col template

September 17, 2014 - Release 2.4

  • Smaller video player widget

September 10, 2014 - Release 2.3

  • New fields for contact person
  • Fixes a bug with the sticky header/sidebar
  • More descriptive label for sticky header/sidebar in theme customization
  • Fixes sliders for No Nav pages
  • Adds pop-up video player widget capability
  • Updates contact link in the footer
  • Fixes a style on Faculty pages

September 3, 2014 - Release 2.2

  • Update to WordPress 3.9.2

August 27, 2014 - Release 2.1

  • Added styles for Faculty pages
  • Added No Nav: 1-Column and No Nav: 2-Column page templates
  • Fixed Posts Page: 3-Column to handle empty pages better
  • Fixed error checking in Handle External Links plugin
  • Installed Hide Custom Fields plugin
  • Installed My Sites Search network admin plugin

August 4, 2014 - Release 2.0

  • Updated to WordPress version 3.9.1
  • Updated the following plugins:
    • AddThis Social Bookmarking Widget (3.5.10)
    • Advanced Excerpt (4.2.3)
    • Breadcrumb NavXT (5.1.1)
    • Disable Comments (1.1)
    • Google Analyticator (
    • TinyMCE Advanced (4.0.2)
  • Updated Usage Reports to fix several bugs in the reports
  • Fixed two-column style in CoE Research and Generic Research themes after TinyMCE Advanced update
  • Fixed a style issue on "continue reading" links in excerpts on posts pages
  • Removed Other Research Theme, an earlier version of Generic Research Theme

July 1, 2014 - Release 1.9.1

  • Added usage reports for network administrators:
    • Active Plugins
    • Contact Info
    • Discouraging Indexing
    • Google Analytics
    • Homepage Link Usage
    • Media Attachments
    • Page Templates
    • Posts
    • Themes
    • Users
    • Widgets
  • Added a site map report (Tools → Site Map) for site administrators
  • Added a plugin to eliminate confirmation emails that require the user to log in with an invitation link
  • Added a 2-column homepage template to the CoE Research theme
  • Updated address in footer on themes using the new footer (CoE and CoE Research)

May 20, 2014 - Release 1.9

  • Revised "Page Not Found" text
  • Modified color of top-bar navigation on generic research theme
  • Fixed a style issue on posts in generic research theme
  • New footer for admin and non-generic research skins
  • Added Advanced Excerpt plugin to allow for inclusion of html in post excerpts

May 7, 2014 - Release 1.8

  • Added research skin for sites that do not associate solely with the College of Engineering
  • Added a function to change & to & and & to & in posts and page content for accessibility
  • Added "sitesearch" parameter for admin and research skins
  • Fixed position of search label

April 22, 2014 - Release 1.7

  • Added additional skin for sites without the Michigan Engineering Header
  • Made minor adjustments to account for accessibility

April 1, 2014 - Release 1.6

  • Added expansive slider image for Research skin sites
  • Adding 2 column style for visual editor
  • Fixing padding for h2
  • Created posts page with 10 posts per page
  • Sortable tables
  • Sticky header and footer for Research skin sites

February 4, 2014 - Release 1.5

  • Resolved styling issues for slider when no title/description has been entered. Headings and descriptions are no longer required when adding a slide.
  • Resolved styling issue for headers at the top of pages
  • Removed "Edit this entry" on Home page's
  • Added login/logout link in footer
  • Fixed styling for RSS widgets to more closely match News widgets
  • Enabled WYSIWYG titles to display
  • Updated the following plugins
    • WordPress SEO
    • Total Slider
    • Disable Comments
    • AddThis

November 20, 2013 - Release 1.4

  • Resolved issue that resulted in quick links not working on the tops of pages
  • Changed the logo for the administrative theme in dashboard
  • Uploaded research themes thumbnail renamed theme to CoE Research in dashboard
  • Darkened quick links in research theme
  • Removed the addthis share code from the research theme
  • Added styles for RSS widget - based on News Widget appearance
  • Removed an old unnecessary style applied to the gold bar
  • Blog post formatting improved
  • Fixed bug causing incorrect current page highlighting in the left sidebar navigation
  • Make site title above the navigation clickable
  • Delete the code causing the SEO plugin error message

October 7, 2013 - Release 1.3

  • Update navigation plugin to resolve security issue
  • Update University of Michigan logo in footer
  • Resolve issues with PDF's opening up and requiring login on public viewable sites

September 25, 2013 - Release 1.2

  • Updated non-customized plugins to reflect newest version
  • Updated CoE logo to match new logo
  • Added SEO plugin
  • Changed the name of the left column widget container

August 28, 2013 - Release 1.1

  • Added icon in page edit area to add a horizontal rule line
  • Added icon in page edit area to add Photo carousel to display a Photo strip within any page body
  • Added icon in page edit area to print the page contents
  • Added icon in page edit area for highlighting text
  • Added icons in page edit area for superscript and subscript
  • Added icon in page edit area to insert or edit embedded media (such as YouTube)
  • Added icon in page edit area to add/delete and manipulate a table
  • Added ability to place widgets on the left side of the page
  • Added ability to edit a CoE Multicolor HTML Widget with a WYSIWYG editor
  • Title shows up when adding a new page with Home template even if page body is empty
  • Updated format when viewing a page in the browser and printing it
  • Ribbon navigation background gradient appears correctly
  • Fixed alignment issues with Goldbar nav menu items
  • Reduced padding when site has no site message
  • Added one pixel margin above Contact person to separate it from left navigation bar
  • Remove small space to the left of the Contact person phone number
  • Removed additional padding around links in CoE Multicolor HTML widgets (all three colors)
  • Removed additional padding around CoE Quick Links widget title and links
  • Made CoE Quick Links title to be upper case
  • Removed additional padding around CoE News widget title
  • Removed additional padding around CoE Events widget title and aligned dates properly
  • Added additional padding around Homepage Photo Slider theater controls
  • Removed two additional pixels at the bottom of the footer
  • Removed additional padding around H1 headers in the page body
  • Removed additional padding around content lists (both unordered and ordered lists)
  • Removed background from H2 anchor links
  • Removed additional padding around Home Page Links title
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Article ID: 4986
Sat 5/1/21 10:59 AM
Tue 1/9/24 6:31 AM