Dental - MCard
Dental MCard
access - Add and removal guidelines.................................................................................................................. 2
Ticket Links.................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Requesting Added Access:......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Requesting Removal of Access:................................................................................................................................................. 4
Access Levels - descriptions:...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Basic Access Levels:............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Non dental Affiliated Access:................................................................................................................................................ 5
Additional Access:................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Approval process for special
access:.......................................................................................................................................... 6
Ticket Statuses:........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Access level audits:..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Dental MCard access - Add and
removal guidelines
- Access by MCard will only be added upon request through the ticketing
- Access addition will only be granted to those already with an HR
onboarding email.
When to request added access
New Employee
There must be an HR onboarding email or approval
for access to be granted for new access.
Additional or special access is needed for existing
Special access may need approval
You do not need to request access for replacement
cards ( lost or expired)
When to request removal of access
Employee leaving the Dental School
Employee leaving your department and no longer
needing special access.
Special access is no longer needed for current
Temporary suspension of lost cards if they cannot
get a new one quickly.
Time expectations
Add access:
By 3:00 pm on the starting day - if they have an
MCard by noon
Remove Access
By 3:00 pm the business day after their last day.
- There must be an onboarding process complete and an email from HR to
process an access request for Basic access.
- Additional access levels can only be added to those requesting or
already with a Basic or non-affiliated access level.
- If there is no card the ticket goes on hold and the following response
will be added:
MCard access can only be granted
when there is a valid MCard in the system. Multiple attempts have been made to
activate this person’s access, there is no card in the system.
Please reply to this ticket when
they get an MCard or if they do not plan to obtain one and won’t need building
Ticket Links
Ticketing system:
Live August 20, 2024
Required for access starting October 1, 2024
To get to the
ticketing system
- Go
- Click
- Tools in top right corner
- Click
“submit a ticket” in flyout
- Click
“Facilities”, scroll to building icon
- Click
“DENT-Facilities MCard Access”
- Click
Request Service button at top right
Requesting Added Access:
- Requestor - should be a department head or designee from the department
hiring or requesting the access. A person may not request access for themselves
or be on the request ticket.
- MCard user - First and last name or uniqname
- UMID# - 8 digit number, found on MCard and assigned by HR on hiring
starting a student
- If there are more than 10 cards being activated put ‘multiple’ in the
UMID# and attach an excel spreadsheet or link google doc with at least
- A column for last name
- A column for UMID#
Check box for New or Additional Access
Add a date when access will be started, a physical
MCard must exist to grant access
Add a basic access level (or non dental affiliated)
if they do not already have one
Add any additional/Special Case access levels if
Add a short title
Add details if needed
Attach file if more than 10 people are being added
as described above
Requesting Removal of Access:
- Requestor - should be a department head or designee from the department
requesting the removal of access.
- MCard user - First and last name or uniqname
- UMID# - 8 digit number, found on MCard
- If there are more than 10 cards being removed put ‘multiple’ in the
UMID# and attach an excel spreadsheet or link google doc with at least
- A column for last name
- A column for UMID#
- Check box for Remove Access
- Add the date when access should be removed (MCards are still to be
collected by managers upon employees leaving the university)
- Check which box best describes the removal, add notes in details if
other is selected
- Add a short title
- Add details if needed
- Attach file if more than 10 people are being removed as described above
Access Levels - descriptions:
- For card reader purposes in this document Business hours are
defined as 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM Monday through Friday
- All active MCards can enter exterior doors during business hours.
This is to support the non-Dental students who have classes in the Dental
School buildings.
All BASIC Levels include:
- exterior doors 24/7
- Clinics that are needed by that Basic level
- Faculty Commons access during business hours
- Research Commons access during business hours
Access levels - Additional access granted with
these levels:
Basic Access Levels:
All Dental Employees must have at
least one of these two levels.
Faculty commons 24/7
Faculty lounge rooms
Basic Access - DENTAL STAFF
Staff lounge
Dental Students must have at least one of these two levels.
- Student Reading Room
Student Reading Room
Non dental Affiliated Access:
Those that need
access to Dental School outside business hours but are not Dental faculty,
students or Staff.
Non Dental Affiliated - DENTAL CAFE EMPLOYEE
Requested by Cafe supervisor
Non Dental Affiliated - DENTAL CUSTODIAL
Requested by Custodial Supervisor
Non Dental Affiliated - DENTAL CONTRACTORS
Requested for construction contractors, access as
needed by project.
Additional Access:
Additional/Special Case - DENTAL FACULTY COMMONS
24/7 access to faculty commons, for department
staff to support faculty
Additional/Special Case - DENTAL MUSEUM 24/7
Requested by Museum Director
Additional/Special Case - DENTAL STORES 24/7
Requested by Stores
Additional/Special Case - DENTAL
Access to sterilization and dispensing, restricted
by approval process
Additional/Special Case - DENTAL RESEARCH 24/7
24/7 access to secure research space
Access to be requested in accordance to the Office
of Research guidelines
Additional/Special Case - DENTAL INFORMATICS
As requested by Dental Informatics office
Additional/Special Case - DENTAL DATA CLOSETS
- As needed for specific work in Data closets
Additional/Special Case - 1400 OFFICE SUITE 24/7
24/7 access to 1400 office suites. Typically
reserved for those with offices or after hours business in the 1400 suite
Additional/Special Case - Other
Other access levels may be available on an as
needed basis. Those needing them will know and be able to request
Approval process for special
- Most Special Access is requested by the Approvers of the access levels.
- If the Approver is the requestor then access will be granted.
- If the requester is not the approver, the approver will be added to the
ticket and informed.
- The ticket will be put in ‘Waiting on 3rd Party’, until access is
approved or denied.
- Access will be granted or denied and tickets will be resolved.
Ticket Statuses:
- New:
New ticket ready to
be processed
- In Process
Ticket actively ready
to be processed. Tickets will move to ‘In Process’ from ‘Hold’ when a start
date occurs or the business day after a person's last day of access needed.
- Waiting for User Info
Move to this status
when the ticket is not completed enough to process.
- Waiting on 3rd party
Moved to this status
when waiting on an approver or there is a question to a 3rd party.
- Canceled
Tickets Canceled if
no action is taken.
- Resolved
Ticket becomes
resolved once access is added, denied, or removed.
Access level audits:
Basic Access levels will be
audited annually
Special Access levels will be
audited Quarterly by the approvers