There are three main training workshops which are scheduled periodically throughout the year, usually in the first month of each term. The schedule for the classes (listed below) can be found on the ARC Events webpage. Click the title of the session you'd like to attend and you'll be taken to a page with the full description of the course; click the link near the bottom to be taken to the registration page and follow the required steps to register for the event.
Please note: Additional special training sessions for courses, labs, and research groups can be scheduled by request, just send a request to with your requirements.
- The Great Lakes HPC cluster
- Advanced Research Computing (ARC)
The three main workshops are:
- Introduction to the Linux Command Line — This course will familiarize the student with the basics of accessing and interacting with Linux computers using the GNU/Linux operating system’s Bash shell, also generically referred to as “the command line.” Topics include: a brief overview of Linux, the Bash shell, navigating the file system, basic commands, shell redirection, permissions, processes, and the command environment. The workshop will also provide a quick introduction to nano a simple text editor that will be used in subsequent workshops to edit files.
- Introduction to the Great Lakes cluster and batch computing — This workshop will provide a brief overview of the components of the Great Lakes Cluster. The main body of the workshop will cover the resource manager and scheduler, creating submissions scripts to run jobs and the options available in them, and hands-on experience. By the end of the workshop, every participant should have created a submission script, submitted a job, tracked its progress, and collected its output. Participants will have several working examples from which to build their own submissions scripts in their own home directories.
- Advanced batch computing on the Great Lakes cluster — This workshop will cover some more advanced topics in computing on the U-M Great Lakes Cluster. Topics to be covered include a brief review of common parallel programming models and basic use of Great Lakes; dependent and array scheduling; workflow scripting; high-throughput computing using launcher; parallel processing in one or more of Python, R, and MATLAB; and profiling of parallel code.
Course Prerequisites
- Attendees should have a Great Lakes user login.
- Attendees should be enrolled in Duo.
- Some workshops are scheduled in computer labs, so use a personal computer is optional. For remote offerings a personal computer is required.
- If a personal computer is used, it should have a working SSH client installed.
- For off-campus access to Great Lakes, the personal computer must have VPN installed.
External Resources
ARC's training and workshops scheduling page uses the Teaching and Technology Collaborative (TTC) for registration and attendance.