Connecting to LSA file spaces (Mac)



This article discuss how to connect to LSA file spaces from macOS. Refer to the Linux instructions or the Windows instructions for other operating systems.

Departmental shared files and User files (and sometimes Research Data) are stored on the ITS servers, or network shares, in the spaces known as the “S drive” (departmental) and “H drive” (user). Here is how to access the files on those servers.




Accessing the Files Remotely (from Off-Campus)

Connect to the campus VPN first – you’ll need to download and install the VPN client (a one-time thing), then connect to the space you want, and optionally map drives or create favorites or shortcuts.

  1. Download, install, and connect to the VPN client.
  2. Then connect to the file space using the steps below.

Connecting To File Spaces From A Mac

Please note: The method covered in this article is manual mounting by the user. An alternative method of automounting by the system on demand is discussed in the "Mount NFS File Share with Automounter (Mac)" article.

  1. Bring up the Connect to Server dialog in one of two ways:
    • Click the Go menu and select the Connect to Server... item.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut Command-K (⌘-K).
  2. In the "Server Address" field, enter the full URI of the network storage volume:
    • Example: Mounting an NFS share — Enter the URI: nfs://server-name/share-name. A Research Storage volume would be something like nfs://
    • Example: Mounting a "CIFS" share — Enter the URI: smb://server-name/share-name. A Research Storage volume would be something like smb://
  3. For future use, save as a favorite: Cllck the + button the the right of the Server Address field.

Kerberos Ticket

Please note: For Macs you may need to obtain a Kerberos ticket if the above process did not initially work.

  1. To obtain a Kerberos Ticket, click Go and then select Utilities.
  2. Double click Kerberos.
  3. Enter your uniqname and Kerberos password.
  4. You will see this screen when you have obtained a successful Kerberos Ticket; you may close this window.
    File Space Mac 4.png

Additional notes

Type Path
S Drive cifs://

where dept is your department prefix. The lsa-dept reference appears twice, once in each of the host name and volume name.

H Drive cifs://

where uniqname is your uniqname.

LSA Research Storage Space cifs://

where NN is a 2-digit number (01–09). The lsa-researchNN reference appears twice, once in each of the host name and volume name.

Please note:  If you cannot find your file space, please contact us.




Article ID: 1596
Tue 5/26/20 9:30 PM
Tue 11/19/24 1:41 PM

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