SSC - FIN - Endowment Fund Maintenance Request

Service Overview:

New Requests: Complete all required fields and any other field that is applicable to the request.

The minimum to establish an Endowment or a Quasi Endowment is $25,000 if the gift is from a donor and directed by the donor to the Endowment or Quasi Endowment, and $50,000 to establish a Quasi Endowment if being established by the direction of the School/College/Unit. 

As a general guideline, all funds invested in a Quasi Endowment are unavailable for withdrawal for a minimum of five years. 

The distributions must be spent according to the donor's wishes as applicable. 

For distributions to more than one set of chartfields, complete the Endowment Multiple Distributions Worksheet and attach to the case using the paperclip icon in the upper right of the form.

Change Requests: Enter the Endowment Fund Code to change. Then complete only the fields that you are requesting to have changed.

Inactivations: Enter the Endowment Fund Code to inactivate.