Using Webinars in Zoom



U-M Zoom


 How to use and set up a Zoom webinar


NOTE: If webinar options are not visible to you, you must request access to that feature. Refer to Request Zoom Webinar Access.

  • Zoom Video Webinar allows you to broadcast a Zoom meeting to view-only attendees.
  • As the host or a panelist, you can share your screen, video and audio in a webinar and attendees can use the chat or question and answer options to interact with the host and panelists.
  • Webinars can require preregistration, with the option for the host to add custom registration questions, or registration can be turned off for attendees to join by simply clicking a link at the time of the webinar.
  • Webinars can be held once, can reoccur in a series, or can be the same session held multiple times.

You can set up a Webinar with or without participant registration.

How to Set up a Webinar WITHOUT Registration

(The initial steps are all the same. Follow this below to get the Webinar set up. There is a link at the bottom for the additional steps of setting up the Registration Approval.)

Scheduling a webinar without registration will allow attendees to join without needing to sign up in advance. Attendees will be required to enter their name and email address upon joining.

  • Go to and log in with your Uniqname and UMICH Password
  • Click on the Webinar option on the left of the screen
  • Click on the button 'Schedule a Webinar'
  • On the next screen, update your Topic and Description for the Webinar, Date, Time, and Duration.
  • Recurring webinar: can be checked if you want this to reoccur at the recurrence of your choosing.
  • Registration: You can check this if you want people to pre-register their attendance. This is required in order to generate an attendee report after a Zoom webinar. 
  • Webinar Password: This option is locked and cannot be used.
  • The Video Section: You can toggle if you the Host will share video, or if a Panelist will share video (Or Both)
    (How to add a Panelist to a Webinar:
  • Audio: Choose whether to allow users to call in via Telephone only, Computer Audio only, Telephone and Computer Audio (both) (Both is default).
  • Q&A: Check this if you would like to use a question and answer panel in your webinar.  (More info here:
  • Enable Practice Session: A webinar practice session allows you/Host and your panelists to get set up and acquainted with Zoom webinar controls before starting your webinar. You will see an Orange Bar at the top of the screen letting you know you are in a Practice Session. Click on the button for 'Broadcast' to start the Webinar for everyone.
  • Only authenticated users can join: Check this option if you want users to be required to be signed-in to a Zoom account before joining your webinar.
  • Record the webinar automatically: Check this option to record the webinar automatically when it starts. Choose if you want to record it locally (requires the host to join via a desktop computer) or the Zoom cloud.
  • Alternative Hosts: Enter the email address of another Zoom user who is Licensed, on your account to allow them to start the meeting in your absence. (Alternative hosts do not require a "webinar" license.)
  • Click 'Schedule'. Your webinar is now scheduled. Under Invite Attendees, you can copy the join link or the invitation to share with your attendees.

    Once scheduled, you will see the Webinar Details Page. Here you can see the details of your Webinar.
  • At the bottom of the page are tabs for Invitations, Email Settings, Branding, Polls, Q&A, Integration, and Live Streaming. Of interest here will most likely be the Polls and Q&A. If you click on each one respectively, to the right will be an Edit for Q&A, or Add for Polls.
  • You will also see in blue lettering 'Save this Webinar as a Template'. This will allow you to save the details you set for this webinar as a template, so in the future you can create a new Webinar and add the Template to it and it will import all of the details such as Q&A info, and Polls into the Webinar automatically. (More info about this at:
  • Once you are confident that you have everything set up as you need it, you can leave the page.

How to Set Up a Webinar WITH Registration

IF the host decides that they want to have Registration for their Webinar, they set up everything the same, but there are additional steps for the registration approval. You can see these steps, after the initial set up steps, at:

Additional Information

Cost: At this time there are no unit or individual charges to use the campus Zoom contract. (3/30/2020)

Scheduling a Webinar Without Pre-Registration:
Scheduling a Webinar WITH Pre-Registration:

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.



Article ID: 980
Mon 4/20/20 8:36 AM
Mon 5/6/24 8:42 PM