Google Forms: File Upload Option Unavailable in Shared Drives


This article includes information on why the "File upload" option is unavailable for Google Forms stored in Google shared drives.



U-M Google, Google Forms


The option to add a "File upload" question to a Google Form is greyed out - why is that? How can I enable it?


The "File upload" option in Google Forms is not available for Forms stored within a Google shared drive. The option is only available for Forms stored within your My Drive.

The Form should be copied or moved to an individual's My Drive for the "File upload" option to be available. There is no option for ITS to enable this, as it is a feature Google does not offer.

Note: If you move an existing form from My Drive to a shared drive, and it has the "File upload" option already included, the option will be deactivated once moved. (It can only be reactivated if you move the form back out of the shared drive and into your My Drive.)

Additional Information

More information on sharing Google Form responses and attachments can be found at Share Google Form Responses and Attachments

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.



Article ID: 9417
Fri 12/9/22 12:32 PM
Mon 9/30/24 2:38 PM

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