What Happens When My Storage is Full in U-M Google?


This article provides information on what happens when someone reaches their storage limit/their storage is full in their U-M Google account. It also states what you should do if this happens.



U-M Google, Drive, Mail, Photos, Drive for desktop


Google has alerted me that I’ve reached my storage limit, and my storage is full. What does this mean, and what should I do?


There are two scenarios where you may be alerted by Google that you've reached your storage limit: in your individual account (or Shared Account) and in a shared drive you manage/are a member of. It is important to note that the over-limit experiences for each are separate (i.e., if you are over-limit in your individual account, you can still use shared drives normally. Also, if you are over-limit in a shared drive, you can still use your individual account (and other shared drives) normally).

Individual account (or Shared Account)

When you reach the storage limit on your individual U-M Google account (or Shared Account), your access to services such as Drive, Gmail, and Photos will be affected in the following ways:

  • Gmail: Your ability to send/receive email will be affected.
    • You will receive an ITS login notice and automated email when you reach your limit. The email states that you have 14 days to reduce your storage before you can no longer send or receive email to your @umich.edu address in Gmail.
      • You will receive another ITS login notice 7 days before your email is restricted.
      • The day your email is restricted, you will receive one last automated email from ITS stating your email has been restricted.
    • Reducing your storage is the only way to restore email functionality.
      • Restoring email functionality after reducing your storage can take about 24-48 hours.
      • However, if you have deleted a significant number of emails, it may take more than two days for Google to report your new storage usage accurately.
  • Drive:
    • You cannot sync or upload new files.
    • You cannot create new Google file types such as Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, etc.
    • Until you reduce the amount of storage you use, neither you nor anyone else (i.e., collaborators shared on the file) will be able to edit the affected files you own.
    • Syncs stop between your computer's Google Drive for desktop folder and My Drive.
    • You can still share your files with other collaborators. Those collaborators can still make copies of any of your affected files.
  • Photos: You cannot sync or upload additional photos or videos.
  • Takeout: You can continue to use Google Takeout to export your Google account data. You can also continue to use Google Takeout Transfer to copy all your email in Gmail and files you own in Drive to a personal (non-UM) Google account.

Shared drive

When you reach the storage limit on a Google shared drive of which you are a Manager, some functionalities in that specific drive will be affected in the following ways:

  • All members and collaborators cannot copy, create, upload, or move content (including Google file types) into the shared drive when the storage is full or if the item they are trying to move/create/upload/copy will cause the storage to exceed the limit.
  • All members and collaborators will still be able to view, comment on, and edit (depending on their permission level) existing files and folders within the shared drive.
You will need to reduce the amount of storage in your account / shared drive before full functionality will be restored and the banners disappear. Refer to Tips for Cleaning Up Your U-M Google Account for additional information on reducing your storage in Google.

Additional Information

  • Note that the process differs for individuals who go over their storage limit because of a role change that reduces their storage limit from 250GB to 15GB. These individuals have 90 days to reduce their storage before their account is permanently deleted.
  • Storage Management in U-M Google

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.



Article ID: 9279
Mon 11/14/22 1:28 PM
Thu 3/6/25 11:20 AM

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