Transcription features and services at U-M
What are the transcription features and services available at U-M?
- Zoom transcription options
- Live captions in Microsoft Teams
- Record and Transcribe Audio in Microsoft Word for Web
- Using captions in Google Meet
- MiVideo
- U-M’s cloud-based media streaming service
- File owners can order, edit, and delete captions for audio and video files, including Zoom recordings
- This service is provided by MiVideo using automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology
- A searchable, interactive transcript is also provided
- MiVideo offers free machine and paid (with a shortcode) professional (human) transcription, captions, and translation services
- Transcription third-party resources
- Examples include:
- Sign language interpreters (ASL)
- CART contractors
- Screenline
- Purchasing CART or ASL services for your unit from a third-party provider is negotiated exclusively by those two parties, without any university intermediary. When enlisting a CART Provider:
- The university does not have a preferred vendor(s) for CART
- List of ASL Interpreter/CART contacts (Source: Mikalia Dennis, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Contact: or 734-764-3620.)
- Please inquire directly with third-party vendors regarding HIPAA-compliant solutions for special use cases.
- If further guidance is needed from Michigan Medicine, please visit the Michigan Medicine web portal or call 734-936-8000.
- Transcription services available via U-M Procurement
- (If you are with UMSI, please email for assistance.)
- is not an approved application for University business and should not be used when handling sensitive data.
- Audio Transcription Resources from the U-M Library
Additional Information
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