NameCoach Salutation Process Steps





What are the steps involved to create an invite for recording names of invitees for commencement or any event?


 NameCoach Salutation Process Steps

The ITS NameCoach team can provide help with the creation of a "name page" that can be managed by your Department Admin/Event Host. The name page provides the pronunciation of event invitees' names for any events, such as commencement, admissions-related events, award ceremonies, outreach programs, and others.

High level process steps are documented here:

  1. Submit the request form 
  2. After receiving the form, the ITS Teaching & Learning team will create a page and grant access to the admin who will be managing the list of invitees for specific events
  3. The admin can upload the excel file - template with invitees (Email, First, Middle, Last Name)  - Process on how to upload file please refer to: NameCoach Spreadsheet Upload Tool (Salutation Name Page Admin Only)
    1. The application has a default email template the admin can use to remind invitees to record the name or re-record the name if not clearly recorded
  4. After all names are recorded by invitees, the admin can export the excel file with recording and share with the Recorder(s) so they can practice the names for the event

Training Video: NameCoach Salutation Training Video for NamePage Admins

NameCoach Commencement Tips & Tricks.pdf

Additional Information

  1. NameCoach Service Page
  2. NameCoach Documentation & Support Page
  3. ITS-NameCoach Salutation Service Request form
  4. NameCoach Salutation Commencement/Event Admin - How to invite users to record their names using spreadsheet upload tool 
  5. Phonetic Spelling Guide
  6. Phonetic Spelling Instruction - Carnegie Mellon University
  7. Why Getting Someone’s Name Right Matters- Harvard Business Review 
  8. Race on Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education
  9. NameCoach Commencement Tips & Tricks.pdf

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.

Vendor Support email to:, or Vendor Support site



Article ID: 6965
Fri 1/7/22 11:56 AM
Mon 2/10/25 9:24 AM