MiVideo Mediaspace
The Edit Media page is the location to edit the details about your media. See the
Edit Media articles for information about the other editing tabs on this page.
How do I replace a media entry in a Mediaspace?
Video Demo
How to Replace Media in MiVideo
The Replace Media tab on the Edit Media page allows you to replace the video with a new version.
- Replacing media retains the entry’s metadata, URL, and analytics. Replacing media is great for swapping out the original upload with a new version without breaking embed code or losing analytics.
- Replacing media will automatically order new machine-generated captions for the new media entry.
- The original media is not recoverable once the replacement is approved.
- To edit a media entry you have to be the media owner or co-editor of the content. See the Media Collaboration and Roles article for information about ownership.
- The editing tabs may vary depending on your role and not all Mediaspaces allow replacing media. If you have questions about replacing media contact your KMC admin or the ITS Service Center.
- To edit the media file (trim, chop, splice, copy, and add hotspots and Interactive Video Quizzes) see the Video Editor articles.
Before Beginning
- You can't replace media in Canvas.
- You can't replace a video that has an embedded interactive quiz (IVQ).
- You can replace video on a YouTube media entry.
- Replacing video with a timeline will break the timeline’s configuration. Be sure you document any timeline settings and have backups of your slides before replacing the video.
- To replace audio, please contact your KMC administrator or the ITS Service Center for assistance.
- The old video will continue to display until processing for the new video is complete on the server.
Replace Media
- Navigate to the user drop-down menu > My Media > pencil icon next to the media item, or from the Media page click Actions > Edit.
- Select the Replace Media tab.
- Click either Upload from Desktop or Upload from URL depending on where the replacement video is stored.
- Wait for the upload to complete.
- Click Approve Replacement to approve.
- It will take some time for the new video to process and new captions to be created. If the new captions do not automatically display in the player (the player is still showing the old captions), disable the old captions and enable the new captions following the How to Disable or Enable MiVideo Captions Display article.
Resources and Questions
For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center