MiVideo Mediaspace
The Edit Media page is the location to edit the details about your media. See the
Edit Media articles for information about the other editing tabs on this page.
How do I insert chapters or slides into a video to create a timeline?
Video Demo
How to add Chapters and Slides Using the Timeline Tab
What is a timeline
When a video has chapters or slides they act like bookmarks and can be used to navigate to points in the video. A timeline is a great way to break up long videos by chapter and to synchronize still images with your video files.
Viewing a timeline
When a video with timeline chapters or slides is viewed in a player (eg. on the Media page) the "Show Navigation" icon (magnifying glass) appears in the upper right corner of the player. Controls auto hide after a couple seconds so mouse-over the video to display the controls. Click the navigation icon to display/hide a list of the chapters and slides in the video. Click on a chapter or slide to navigate to that point in the video.
When a video has image slides, the slides appear as a picture-in-picture frame in the bottom right corner. Controls on the picture-in-picture provide the viewer the ability to hide or swap the picture-in-picture, or view the video and slides side-by-side.
- To edit a media entry you have to be the media owner or co-editor of the content. See the Media Collaboration and Roles article for information about ownership.
- The editing tabs may vary depending on your role.
- You can also use a timeline to edit chaptered videos created with Kaltura Capture when the slide deck is in presentation mode.
- Timeline is not available for YouTube videos.
- To edit the video (trim, chop, splice, copy, and add hotspots and Interactive Video Quizzes) see the Video Editor articles.
- If the video needs trimming, do that before you create a timeline. Trimming is not allowed if chapters or slides are present. See the Video Editor articles.
- Create your slides in PowerPoint using a 16:9 page layout, and then save them as pictures.
- Replacing the video/audio file (see the Replace Media article) will likely break your timeline. Make note of all slide and chapter settings before replacement.
- When you are done editing, you can click the video’s title to see your completed video in the player on the Media page.
Add chapters or slides
The Timeline tab on the Edit Media page allows you to insert chapters or slides into a video file.
- Navigate to Account > My Media > pencil icon next to the media item, or from the Media page click Actions > Edit.
- Select the Timeline tab.
- Chapters are created on the top half of the timeline. Slides are created on the bottom.
- Move the marker on the timeline to the position in which the chapter or slide will be added.
- Use the Create a new chapter or Upload slide deck buttons to the left of the timeline to add a new entry at the marker location.
- Click the downward arrow under the Upload slide deck button to toggle between Upload a Single Slide or Upload Slide Deck.
- Use the Upload Slide Deck option to upload an entire slide deck at one time. The slides will be equally spread across the timeline and can then be repositioned as necessary by clicking and dragging the slide to the desired location on the timeline.
- Upload a slide or chapter thumbnail image.
- Enter a Title and Description.
- Add Search Tags (optional).
- Click Save before moving to the next slide or chapter.
- To reposition a chapter or slide, click and drag the slide or chapter marker and drag it to the desired location on the timeline.
- Navigate to the user drop-down menu > My Media > pencil icon next to the media item, or from the Media page click Actions > Edit.
- Select the Timeline tab.
- Chapters are created on the top half of the timeline. Slides are created on the bottom.
- Move the marker on the timeline to the position in which the chapter or slide will be added.
- Use the Create a new chapter or Upload slide deck buttons to the left of the timeline to add a new entry at the marker location.
- Click the downward arrow under the Upload slide deck button to toggle between Upload a Single Slide or Upload Slide Deck. Note: if you do not see the downward arrow under the Upload slide deck button please check with your Mediaspace administrator.
- Use the Upload Slide Deck option to upload an entire slide deck at one time. The slides will be equally spread across the timeline and can then be repositioned as necessary by clicking and dragging the slide to the desired location on the timeline.
- Upload a slide or chapter thumbnail image.
- Enter a Title and Description.
- Add Search Tags (optional).
- Click Save before moving to the next slide or chapter.
- To reposition a chapter or slide, click and drag the slide or chapter marker and drag it to the desired location on the timeline.
Delete chapters or slides
- Navigate to Account > My Media > pencil icon next to the media item, or from the Media page click Actions > Edit.
- Select the Timeline tab.
- Click on the chapter or slide marker on the timeline to edit.
- Click the Delete link.
- Click Delete to confirm.
Navigate to the user drop-down menu > My Media > pencil icon next to the media item, or from the Media page click Actions > Edit.
- Select the Timeline tab.
- Click on the chapter or slide marker on the timeline to edit.
- Click the Delete link.
- Click Delete to confirm.
Resources and Questions
For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center