MiVideo: Download the Secondary Video in a Kaltura Capture Two-Source Recording


Downloading the secondary video is a current limitation for media owners and co-editors. Kaltura admins can use the Kaltura API Console to get the download URL of the secondary video.



MiVideo Mediaspace


The media owner or co-editor wants to download the secondary video in a two source recording. 



  • If you only have one video source, see the How to Download Personal Media Uploaded to My Media article.
  • Closed captions and transcripts are separate files from the videos and must be downloaded separately. See the Download MiVideo Video Captions article.
  • A co-editor only has access to download the source recording unless the owner adds the co-editor as a co-editor on the secondary video too. See the "Add Co-Editor to Secondary Recording" section below.


  1. Navigate to Account > My Media > click the pencil icon next to the two source recording, or from the Media page click Actions > Edit.
  2. Click the play button to load the controls.
  3. Click the download button in the media player (in the upper right).
  4. The primary recording is listed under "Main stream" and the secondary recording is listed under "Additional Streams".
  5. Click the download button to the right of the recording(s) you want to download to your computer.


  1. Navigate to the user drop-down menu > My Media > click the pencil icon next to the two source recording, or from the Media page, click Actions > Edit.

Mediaspaces with upgraded players

  1. Click the play button to load the controls.
  2. Click the download button in the media player (in the upper right).
  3. The primary recording is listed under "Main stream" and the secondary recording is listed under "Additional Streams".
  4. Click the download button to the right of the recording(s) you want to download to your computer.

Mediaspaces with legacy players

  1. Copy the Media Entry ID to the right of the video.
  2. Navigate back to My Media and enter the media ID into the search box. Both media sources will be listed in the search results.
  3. Click the pencil icon to the right of the secondary video to open the Edit Media page.
  4. Click the download button in the lower right corner of the player to download the video to your computer.

Add Co-Editor to Secondary Recording

The video owner can add the co-editor to the secondary recording too. Once the co-editor is added a co-editor to the secondary recording they will be able to download it using the steps above.


  1. Navigate to Account > My Media > click the pencil icon next to the two source recording, or from the Media page click Actions > Edit.
  2. Copy the Media Entry ID to the right of the video.
  3. Navigate back to My Media and enter the media ID into the search box. Both media sources will be listed in the search results.
  4. Click the pencil icon to the right of the secondary video to open the Edit Media page.
  5. Select the Collaboration tab.
  6. Click Add Collaborator and enter the person's uniqname.
  7. Check the Co-Editor box.
  8. Click Save.


  1. Navigate to the user drop-down menu > My Media > click the pencil icon next to the two source recording, or from the Media page, click Actions > Edit.
  2. Copy the Media Entry ID to the right of the video.
  3. Navigate back to My Media and enter the media ID into the search box. Both media sources will be listed in the search results.
  4. Click the pencil icon to the right of the secondary video to open the Edit Media page.
  5. Select the Collaboration tab.
  6. Click Add Collaborator and enter the person's uniqname.
  7. Check the Co-Editor box.
  8. Click Save.

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center



Article ID: 4845
Mon 4/12/21 11:41 AM
Mon 12/23/24 12:23 PM