Zoom: Allow Only U-M Affiliates To Join a Zoom Meeting (Require Authentication)


This article provides information about requiring authentication via U-M Weblogin for all participants to join your meeting. Those who do not have a U-M Zoom account will not be able to authenticate and join.



U-M Zoom


How do I only allow U-M affiliates to join a Zoom meeting?


  • There is a security setting in Zoom which "Requires authentication to join" Zoom meetings and webinars.
  • Enabling this setting means anyone logged in to U-M Zoom can join the meeting or webinar, and anyone not logged in or not eligible for U-M Zoom cannot join. To understand who would be eligible, refer to Eligibility for a U-M Zoom Account.
  • Hosts can permit a small number of guests to bypass authentication if they are not eligible for U-M Zoom.
  • This setting can be enabled for single meetings or automatically for all new meetings.
Note: U-M users must be signed into their accounts when joining a meeting with these requirements, otherwise, they will receive a message indicating that they are not an authorized user. You can share these log in instructions with users who may experience this when attempting to join a meeting.

Enable for a Single Meeting

  1. Navigate to https://umich.zoom.us/meeting
  2. Follow the steps below based on whether you are enabling for a new or existing meeting
    • To enable on a new meeting: Click Schedule a New Meeting and complete the meeting form
    • To enable on an existing meeting: Find the meeting in the Upcoming Meetings list, hover over the meeting and click Edit
  3. Under Security, check the box next to Require authentication to join/Only authenticated users can join
  4. Make sure that University of Michigan Users is selected in the drop-down that appears
  5. OPTIONAL: to allow specific guests to bypass the authentication rule, refer to Zoom Authentication Exception / Allow Guests to Join a Zoom Meeting or Webinar
  6. Click Save

Enable Automatically for All New Meetings

This will only impact NEW meetings that you create after enabling this setting. Meetings you have already created will still need to be edited using the instructions to Enable for a Single Meeting above.

  1. Navigate to https://umich.zoom.us/profile/setting
  2. Under the Security section, enable Only authenticated users can join meetings
  3. Any new meetings that you create will automatically have Require authentication to join>University of Michigan Users checked, but you can still uncheck it and opt to use a different security option on individual meetings

Additional Information

To understand what users who are not logged in to U-M Zoom will see when they attempt to join a meeting, refer to Login to Zoom to Join a Meeting or Webinar.



Article ID: 3328
Fri 8/7/20 1:24 PM
Thu 12/19/24 1:23 PM

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This article provides information on the Zoom security setting requirement for all meetings and details each of the three available security options from which you can choose.
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