Google: "The file is view-only. No edits can be made to this file. Contact file owner for details."


This article provides information on the Google message someone might notice when a file owner's account is over its storage limit: "The file is view-only. No edits can be made to this file. Contact file owner for details."



U-M Google, Google Drive


I opened a Google file I previously had edit access to and noticed a new banner at the top stating: "The file is view-only. No edits can be made to this file. Contact file owner for details." What does this mean? How do I get edit access again?


If you previously had edit access to a file in Google Drive but are now receiving the banner message - "The file is view-only. No edits can be made to this file. Contact file owner for details." - there are two possible reasons why:

The action you should take depends on whether the owner still has access to their U-M Google account.

  • If the owner still has access to their account and they've reached their storage limit: Reach out to the file owner and ask them to transfer ownership of the file(s) to you, another active individual at the university, or a Google shared drive.
    • If the file owner is still active at the university (i.e., faculty, staff, or student), you can also ask them to reduce their storage usage to restore their files' access to how it was.
      • However, storing files in a shared location such as a Google shared drive is still a good idea to prevent this from happening in the future or when they leave the university.
    • If the file owner is unresponsive (such as an alum or retiree), refer to Article ID: 9249 for more information and next steps. You may need to work with your unit's HR to reclaim ownership.
  • If the owner does not have access to their account because they've left the university (without retaining any affiliation): Follow the steps to reclaim ownership of their files before 90 days post-departure is up.

Banner details

  • Example of the banner:
    • "This file is view-only" banner shown at the top of a Google Doc
    • It will look the same in Sheets and Slides, except for the colors (green and yellow, respectively).
  • Commenters and Viewers on the file will receive the same banner when opening a file they have comment or view access on.
  • Banners will also appear on Microsoft file types (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) that can be edited using Google Drive's "Office Editing" feature.
  • No banners or errors show when viewing the following file types:
    • Google Sites
      • They can still be edited. However, you'll still want to transfer ownership! (Google Sites only have one owner assigned, and if that owner is no longer at the university, it could be at risk of deletion.)
    • Folders
    • Images
    • Videos
    • PDFs
    • CSVs
    • Google My Map files
    • Google Apps Scripts
      • They can still be edited.
  • Experience with Google Forms is inconsistent.
    • For a Form with no file upload question, you can edit the Form (despite the view-only banner) but then receive a warning that changes were not synced.
      • "This file is view-only" and "Can't sync your changes" banners at the top of a Google Form with no file upload question
    • For a Form with a file upload question, you cannot make any edits or do anything within the Form itself. You'll receive three warnings: a view-only banner, a “something went wrong” notice, and a “file unavailable” notice.
      • "This file is view-only," "Something went wrong," and "File unavailable" banners on a Google Form with a file upload question

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.



Article ID: 10827
Thu 9/7/23 4:24 PM
Fri 4/5/24 11:38 AM

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