Remote Study Technology


Selecting technology to manage a study remotely is a big decision. This article includes considerations for selecting technology and information on vendors that are (at the time of writing) approved for use in research at U-M.



Selecting technology for your study is a big decision. This article includes considerations for selecting technology and information on vendors that are (at the time of writing) approved for use in research at U-M. 

Considerations for Selecting Study Technology

Interoperability Sometimes more than one technology is needed in a study. Do the technologies you're considering and the data they produce work together?
Cost Does the technology you're considering match the research budget?
Features Research objectives will drive the technology features needed for a successful study. 
Information Assurance (IA) Credentialing

Technology purchases at U-M are required to have IA approval for the data classification level the technology will used with.  

IA Approved List

U-M Data Classification Levels

IA Review Process

Future Research

Technology requires time and effort to learn and configure for your particular needs. 

Will the technology you're considering grow with your research? 

Remote Study Technology

The following list is comprised of technology vendors used in remotely managed research at U-M. To add IA approved vendors to this list, please email Victoria Bennett at 

Investigators are responsible for:

Custom Software & App Development

Atomic Object vendor website
MENLO Innovations vendor website

Mobile Apps

Akili Interactive Labs EndeavorOTC is a video game app clinically designed to treat and improve ADHD symptoms for adults. vendor website
7Cups Free emotional support. vendor website
Moodgym An interactive self-help book that helps you to learn and practice skills to prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. vendor website

Clinical Trial Management Systems


Mobile Device Integration

Advarra No vendor website
Glooko Yes vendor website

U-M Center for Health Communication Research (CHCR)

Yes website
Illumivu Yes

vendor website

vendor demo video & other information  (level 1 login)

LifeData No

vendor website

vendor demo video & other information (level 1 login)

Metricwire Yes

vendor website

vendor demo video & other information (level 1 login)

MyDataHelps Yes

vendor website

vendor demo video & other information (level 1 login)

OpenClinica No vendor website

vendor website

REDCap at U-M 

Tempus No vendor website
WCG by Velos No vendor website


Data Collection

Vendor Mobile Device Integration Resources
Fitabase Yes

vendor website

vendor demo (level 1 login)


vendor website

REDCap at U-M

Qualtrics No

vendor website

Qualtrics at U-M

Survey Tools

Microsoft Forms

vendor website

Microsoft Forms at U-M

Microsoft Forms at Michigan Medicine


vendor website

REDCap at U-M


vendor website

Qualtrics at U-M

Other survey tools Forms, Survey and Questionnaire Software Options at U-M

Text Messaging


Vendor website

MM Applications Request Form  (level 2 login)

RedCap REDCap at U-M
Twillio Vendor website
Text to Outlook Automated Protocol

Zoom Phone SMS

(not available to Michigan Medicine)

ITS Instructions

ITS Request Form

VSee Vendor website

Wearable Devices

Note: These are research and clinical grade wearable devices with software to view the participant data. Commercial wearable devices do not need IA approval as they do not interface with the U-M computer network, except through a clinical trials management system. 

Vendor Description Resources
ActiGraph Medical-grade wearable devices and remote monitoring platform. vendor website

ActLumus Actigraph Nova by Condor Instruments

Medical-grade wearable devices and remote monitoring platform.

Vendor website

Advanced Brain Monitoring Neuro-diagnostic devices. vendor website



About the Author


As the Mobile Technologies Core Manager at the University of Michigan’s Eisenberg Family Depression Center, Victoria Bennett helps investigators navigate the university’s robust resources while perpetually looking for opportunities to curate new resources. She aims to reduce friction for investigators who wish to utilize mobile technologies in health research. Drawing from her extensive experience with entrepreneurship, Victoria applies an entrepreneurial mindset to create efficient systems, improving operational effectiveness and impact. 







Article ID: 11836
Wed 3/20/24 5:09 AM
Fri 9/6/24 5:24 PM
Victoria Bennett

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- Build a more accurate study budget.
- Develop a Data Management & Sharing Plan, which can be a requirement for funders and journal submissions.
- Prepare for regulatory and compliance processes, like an Information Assurance (IA) review, if needed