My Recently Visited Services

This form should be used to report facilities, technology, equipment, or other related issues.

A tool that helps people track progress on their academic program's competencies

Request tool for students and faculty to reserve XR Equipment from the XR Initiative at the Center for Academic Innovation

Please fill out this form to request Mcard access for another individual to the Center for Academic Innovation's Maynard Street office location. Access granted through this form is valid for up to 6 months.

A learning management system that supports gameful instruction

This form is used by CAI staff to request a recurring or one-time (ex. telemedicine appointment, guest reservation, etc.) reservation in the Wellness Room.

A suite of LTI native tools that extend learning platforms to support richer pedagogy and instructional design

Everything Data for the Center for Academic Innovation

A tool to help students study by practicing questions from previous exams

This form should be used to notify the Ops team when kitchen supplies, print/copy area supplies, or other general supplies are running low or out of stock. You can also use this form to request that a new item, not currently part of our regular supplies, be considered for future stocking.

A tool to help students and instructors with teamwork

A writing support tool that provides structured guidance and encourages metacognition

Support Requests from the MADS program

A platform for creating and delivering role-playing simulations

A personalized coaching tool that supports students in large courses

An academic planning platform that displays data about the U-M curriculum