Let's set the stage by asking yourself some background questions:
1. Did your instructor(s) introduce Learning Objectives?
Learning Objectives are an optional feature on GradeCraft and your instructor may have chosen to turn off the feature for the course.
2. Can you find other tabs that have a similar meaning to Learning Objectives?
Your instructor(s) may have renamed Learning Objectives into something else, such as “competencies”, “topics” or whatever term best suits the course.
If you are unsure about the answers to the above questions, please communicate with your instructor(s) first before proceeding.
If your course uses Learning Objectives, they can be found in several places. Let's do a scavenger hunt by going over the following questions:
1. Can you find it in the left-hand menu?
You are supposed to see a learning objectives tab in the left-hand navigation bar. Clicking this tab will take you to a page where you can see the name of each learning objective in the course, the categories they belong to, and your progress toward each.
2. Can you find it on your course dashboard?
On your Course Dashboard page, scroll down to find a Learning Objective section. Here you can see your progress towards each objective listed. Click on the objectives would lead you to a page showing you your progress and the linked assignments.
3. Can you find it in some of your assignments?
If you know what assignment(s) is linked to a Learning Objective, click the assignment title to get to the assignment details page either through the "Assignment" in the left-hand menu or the Dashboard. There, you will find the "Learning Objectives" tab at the top. This tab contains all of the linked learning objectives for that assignment. If you’ve been assessed and provided feedback on specific objectives, you will see that on this page as well.
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