Embed Video in Assignments

Instructors can include video in assignments via the embed option in the Assignment Description or the Assignment Purpose. Video needs be hosted on an external site - GradeCraft does not allow instructors to host their video on GradeCraft.



To embed a video in the assignment

  1. Create an assignment 
  2. In the Assignment Description or Purpose box, find the video camera button for "Insert Video"
  3. Enter the URL code to your video.
  4. Click "Insert"
  5. "Update Assignment" to save your changes


Can students embed video in submissions?

Students cannot embed video in their assignment submissions due to security concerns, and due to a size limit of 40 MB most student submissions of video are too large. 

However, if you wish to have students submit video content, we recommend that students also host their video on an external site (like Google Drive, Dropbox or YouTube) and submit video assignments as a link.


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