You've probably heard about badges before, but every person and each system uses them a bit differently. In GradeCraft, badges can be used to recognize an achievement on a specific assignment, as a way to recognize mastery across assignments, to help build students pathways through assignments, or just as a fun way to interact with students. Badges can be awarded through rubrics and/or used as an achievement required to unlock progress through a course. Badges can be associated with class points but they do not have to be.
One important thing - in GradeCraft, badges are for information and motivation. At this point, a badge cannot be exported as a credential for students.
Some ways we see faculty using badges:
- As a way to indicate cohorts of students. This allows control of content and assignments to that cohort
- As a recognition of special success on an assignment or activity in class
- Allowing students to recognize other students in class - badges can be set to be awarded by students to other students!
- Using badges as levels. Create multiple levels of the same badge (bronze, silver and gold as an example). Students then can "level up" in badging.
- As a way to encourage (or discourage) actions in the class - create a badge for coming to office hours, or asking excellent questions in class. Create a badge to acknowledge students who do something creative or inspiring.
- To control assignment options for students
Ready to take the next step? Let's create some badges in GradeCraft!
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