Badges in GradeCraft can help you control students progress through a course, reward actions or achievements in a class or build belonging between students. If you are new to badges, you may want to start here by learning more about how GradeCraft uses badges.
To enable badges To create a new badge
To get started with badges, you may first want to make sure they have been enabled.
Once badges have been enabled, a link for “Badges” will appear in the left hand menu in the “Setup” group.
Click on "Badges" from the navigation bar.
The Badges screen shows all badges that are available for an instructor to award, point values, lock conditions (hover over the key and lock logos to see the details), and how many people have earned the badge. Click on the name of a badge to see who has earned the badge.
Basic Info Points Awarded: Badges do not have to be worth points (can be left blank). But if you did want them to award points, specify that here.
Icon: An image to represent your badge. Badges appear in different sizes in GradeCraft. Recommended size is 150px x 150px or larger. Only image files (.png, .jpg, etc) will be accepted.
Description: A good place to give a basic description of what the badge is and how a student can achieve it.
Attachments: You might have a badge that has a complex series of unlocks or multiple requirements for students to complete. You can add an attachment with additional information that is viewable to anyone able to see the badge.
Multi-Award: Badges can be given to students more than one time. For example, you could create a badge for asking a question in class, or for taking a risk with an assignment.
Student-Awardable: You can allow students to award badges to other students. Using a collaborative project? Allow students to give badges for being a good team member!