What is a Template Collection and how do I create them?

This article details what a Template Collection is and the steps to make them.


 Template Collections

Lettersmith Template Collections are used to organize and group Templates. Not sure what a Template is? Check out this related article. From this point forward they will be referred to as Collections.

Creating Collections

To create a template, go to your dashboard and under the “My Collections” section select “Create Collection" on the right.

  1. Create a name for your Collection.
  2. Select any template that you want to add to this Collection and click Save at the bottom. If you do not have any Templates you can add them to this Collection when you create one.

Sharing Collections

You can share a Collection in 2 different ways, inviting students directly to your Collection and sharing via a Collection Code. When a user is added to a Collection they are automatically add to all included Templates as the same role.

Inviting Students

You can invite students directly to your Template from the Members Tab.

  1. You can add members one at a time by clicking on the Add Member button on the right. You can invite members via their email address and can specify what role you want them to have. Available roles are Collection Owner (you), Collection Editor (any one you want to have edit access), and Collection Participant (Learners).
  2. You can also add multiple members at once by clicking the Import from CSV button on the right.  After clicking that button you will be able to access the required template and specify if you want members to be sent an invitation email upon upload.

Collection Code

Collection Codes give you a way to invite users to templates without the need to share long URLs. This is especially useful if you are sharing your template to users via a handout or whiteboard.  Underneath the title of your Collection is the alphanumeric Collection code.

Need more help? No worries! Check out the Related Articles on the right or get in touch with us directly.
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This article provides an overview of Templates and steps for creating them.