This article details what a template and tag are is and the steps to make them.
Lettersmith templates are used to provide students with examples on how to write in various styles (i.e. cover letters, cold emails, etc.). Students can join templates that instructors create and reference them whenever needed. Lettersmith supports two types of Templates, Email Templates and Document Templates and they consist of Tags and Examples.
Tags form the template checklist that students will follow and examples show different ways to express those tags.
Tags are used to provide descriptions of how the template is structured. It gives students a detailed breakdown of how they should write. When you click on a tag, it will highlight the section of the paragraph that relates to it. Tags can be requirements for the writing, for example a hypothesis, or can be general tips, for example "Finish Strong". Tags will populate the Checklist in Lettersmith and can be grouped into Tag Folders.
Creating Templates
To create a template, go to your dashboard and scroll down to the “My Templates” section. On the right of the "My Templates" section, select “Create Template”

- Create a name for your template.
- Select either Email or Document template type. This changes whether students can email or download their writing. These options can be changed later.
- If applicable select which Collection to add this Template to. Don't know what a Collection is? Check out this related article.
Customizing Templates
After successfully creating your Template you will be able to customize it with Tags and Examples.
The Checklist tab is where you can create, edit, and delete any Tags associated with your Template.

- In the Checklist tab you can either edit or delete the default Tags and create your own.
- When adding or editing a Tag you can add a description to provide more context for your tag and make it required.
- If a Tag is required students will be required to highlight that Tag in their writing before they can submit it.
The Examples tab is where you can create, edit, and approve Examples. If students have submitted their writing to potentially be used as an example you will find it here.

- To create a new Example click the Compose New Example button on the right.
- When creating a new Example you will have the opportunity to tag that example by highlighting the text and clicking on the Tag you want applied. These highlights will be visible to students when they click the Tag while viewing the Example.
- Once an Example has been finalized it will need to be approved before it's visible to students. That can be done by clicking the Approve button on the right.
Sharing Templates
You can share a template in 3 different ways, inviting students directly to your template, sharing via a link, or sharing via a Template Code.

Inviting Students
You can invite students directly to your Template from the Members Tab.
- You can add members one at a time by clicking on the Add Member button on the right. You can invite members via their email address and can specify what role you want them to have. Available roles are Template Owner (you), Template Editor (any one you want to have edit access), and Template Participant (Learners).
- You can also add multiple members at once by clicking the Import from CSV button on the right. After clicking that button you will be able to access the required template and specify if you want members to be sent an invitation email upon upload.
Sharing a Link
You can access the link for your Template by clicking the “Share Template Link.” button in the top right. Once you do, you will be able to copy the template link that Lettersmith will generate for you. Once you copy the link, you can distribute it in any way you see fit.
Template Code
Template Codes give you a way to invite users to templates without the need to share long URLs. This is especially useful if you are sharing your template to users via a handout or whiteboard. Underneath the title of your template is the template code in all caps.