How to Create an Intensity Level

Intensity levels are a grouping mechanism for opportunities, intended to reflect the amount of work/difficulty an opportunity requires. For consistency, we recommend using the same naming scheme as that of your program's competency or dimension levels. For example, if your program uses 3 levels across dimensions (ExploreEngageExplain), then these would be your intensity levels as well.

To view and create intensity levels, follow these steps:

Note: Only program admins can add intensity levels. However, program staff can apply them when they are adding opportunities.

Step 1: Navigate to Opportunities

In the admin interface for your program, navigate to the Opportunities page and switch to the Settings tab.

Step 2: Create Intensity Level

Scroll down the page to the Intensity Levels section and click "Create Intensity Level". Enter a name for the intensity level, an optional description and position. Position is the order of the intensity level related to others.