Documentation Required to Process a Student Name Change or Correction

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How can students request name changes or corrections?

To request a name change or correction, students may upload a personal data form and documentation of the new or correct name in Wolverine Access via the Student Center - Document Upload (Wolverine Services).

Students may instead mail or fax a signed letter requesting the change along with a photocopy of a legal document (marriage license,driver's license, social security card, birth certificate, etc.) with his/her name spelled correctly.

Send the request to:

Wolverine Services - Central Campus
Office of the Registrar
University of Michigan
2200 SAB
515 E. Jefferson St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1316

Fax the request to: 734-763-9053

Students can also visit a Wolverine Services site with photo ID and the document showing the change to complete the process.

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