Instructor campusID missing from Evaluation Detail Page

Why is the instructor's campus ID (uniqname) missing from the Evaluation Detail page?

There could be several reasons for this.

  • A new teacher who does not yet have their U-M account set up yet. See System Access.
  • The wrong ID has been entered for a teacher. You should check with the curriculum maintainer in your department that the ID is correct.  You can also check classes for past terms that this teacher taught to make sure you have the right ID in the field. 
  • Sometimes unofficial instructors are visitors and not U-M employees. They simply don't have a uniqname (campus ID).

It's a good idea for evaluation coordinators to download the Teaching Evaluation Summary page to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking on the download icon above the Summary page grid. This makes it easy to double check your evaluation orders. It's a good practice to run this spreadsheet by your curriculum maintainer before or after you make evalaution orders. The curriculum maintainers should be able to verify the classes and instructors are correct. This avoids problems later in the evaluation process.

Additional resources for useful for faculty and faculty access: 

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