William J. Branstrom Freshman Prize Criteria

How does a student become eligible for the Branstrom Prize award?

First-term freshmen who rank in the upper five percent of their class within their school or college are awarded the William J. Branstrom Freshman Prize. The student must have taken at least 14 graded (A-E) credits during the fall term to be eligible for the award. Advanced placement credit does not disqualify a student for consideration of this award. Recipients of this award are invited to the Honors Convocation that is held in March.

William J. Branstrom Prize recipients are seated in the auditorium with their families. During the convocation, the provost will ask them to stand, as a group, for recognition. The award designation will appear on the student’s transcript. No awards are presented at the ceremony; however, recipients of this award will receive a book prize. For details regarding book prize selection, please visit the Branstrom Book Prize Detail page.

The names of all William J. Branstrom Prize recipients will appear in the Honors Convocation printed program.

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