Procedures for Submitting Grades

How are final grades processed?

The instructor of record is responsible for submitting final grades in Wolverine Access.

Grade Rosters are generated one day after the last day of the term for full-term classes, and one day after the last day of the session for half-term classes. For classes with non-standard ACADEMIC SESSIONS (i.e., mini-courses), the rosters are generated weekly on Friday evening. Grades are due 72 hours after the final exam is given or 72 hours from the due date of the final work submitted by the students (if there is no final exam). Please see the Faculty Handbook for additional information on grading and deadlines. 

Effective February 2007, grade changes are processed online through Wolverine Access. This process replaced the paper Supplemental Grade Report.

Please see the Grading section of the RO web site for additional information regarding grading and grade changes.

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