Kaltura - Add Videos to My Media



Kaltura offers three options for adding content. To add media, begin by clicking Add New in the top right corner of the page. You will be able to choose from four options:

  • Media Upload allows you to browse your computer for a video, audio, or image file to add to your content.
  • Kaltura Capture provides options for recording your own material via screen recording, webcam, and/or microphone. (See: Kaltura Capture guide.)
  • YouTube allows you to enter the URL for YouTube content to add to your gallery.
    • Only public videos are supported
    • If a video is changed to private or is removed from YouTube, it will become unviewable in your gallery

Media Upload

To upload a file from your computer:

  1. Login to Canvas and click the My Media button on the blue navigation bar to the left.
    The Canvas navigation bar with the My Media icon indicated.
  2. Click on Add New at the top right of the page and select Media Upload.
    The Add New button in Kaltura with the list of available options including Media Upload, Express Capture, YouTube, and Kaltura Capture.
  3. Click on Choose a file to upload to browse your files for the media you wish to upload.
    The Upload Media page of Kaltura indicating options to drag and drop media files as well as a button to choose a file to upload.
  4. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the file from your computer onto the webpage to start the upload.
    A file called example.mp4 is shown being dragged from a file explorer onto the Upload Media page.
  5. When the upload is complete, you will be prompted with a screen to enter media details.

    Note: Only the name is required

    The details form for uploaded media. A green banner indicating the upload is complete is at the top. The Name field and part of the description field are visible.
  6. Leave it set to Private. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
    The Publishing Status options are shown: Private or Published. Private is currently selected.


To add a YouTube video to your media:

  1. Click on Add New at the top right and select YouTube.
    The Add New button in Kaltura with the list of available options including Media Upload, Express Capture, YouTube, and Kaltura Capture.
  2. Enter the web address (URL) of the video you wish to add to your media.
    • Only public videos are supported.
    The Kaltura page for adding a YouTube video. The Video Page Link field is displayed where a user can enter a YouTube video URL.
  3. Click Preview to ensure the video loads correctly and enter the appropriate details for the video.
    • The Name and Description field may fill automatically based on the YouTube video information.
    The YouTube Video details section is displayed for a linked video. The Name and Description fields are available.



Article ID: 5741
Tue 6/8/21 4:46 PM
Mon 2/10/25 2:56 PM

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