Slack: What Happens to an MCommunity Group or Canvas Course Slack Workspace if the Group or Course is Deleted?


Slack at U-M


If I have an MCommunity Group or Canvas Slack workspace, what happens to the workspace if the group is deleted from MCommunity or the course is deleted from Canvas?


  • The Slack workspace's membership will be "frozen" in time to the membership of the MCommunity group or Canvas course as of the last sync prior to the deletion of the group/course.
    • For example, if on Tuesday, the membership of the MCommunity group was Amy, Vishal, and Larry, and then the group was deleted on Wednesday, the Slack workspace synced to the group would be frozen forever at the membership of Amy, Vishal, and Larry.
  • If the group or course is recovered (un-deleted), syncing will resume on the usual schedule.
    • Note: recovering a Canvas course does not necessarily restore enrollments (i.e. the people in the Canvas course), which means that recovering the course could cause your Slack workspace to lose all members if the enrollments are not restored. Contact the ITS Service Center if you need assistance with restoring enrollments.
  • If you no longer need the workspace and would like to remove the members (deletion is not currently an option; removing all members is the only option), please contact the ITS Service Center and request that the workspace be disassociated from the group/course. Include a link to this article in your ticket to help ensure the ticket is directed appropriately.

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Article ID: 9636
Mon 2/6/23 1:40 PM
Tue 4/18/23 2:13 PM