Schedule Displays - Link the Room's Calendar to the Display


Schedule Displays


A user has purchased or intends to purchase Schedule Displays and wants to know how to associate a calendar with the display hardware.


Each customer that purchases a Schedule Display will receive a unique activation link via email from the Tech Shop after they place their order. When a customer clicks on the link they will be asked to provide the Google Calendar ID that they would like associated with their sign, this should be the room's calendar. 

If the room already has a calendar, use this article to find the Google Calendar ID.

If the room does not yet have a calendar, follow the steps below.

Create a U-M Google Resource

To create a U-M Google resource, submit a Shared account request. This request will be handled by the U-M Google team, as well as any request to make changes to the resource calendars. Units can also add other managing groups to their resource calendars. Use the following naming scheme to name your room.

Resource Naming Scheme for Rooms & Non-Room Resources:

  • Building Name - Floor - Unit Name - Resource Name (Room Capacity, if applicable)
    • Example: Arbor Lakes - 1 - ITS - Room 1412 (12)

This is based on Google's recommended room naming convention.

Once you have created the room as a resource and have access to the calendar associated with the room you can follow the steps listed in Find a Google Calendar ID for Zoom Room Activation to find your calendar ID.

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.

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Article ID: 8376
Tue 7/5/22 2:18 PM
Thu 7/28/22 4:13 PM

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