Opening and Closing Your Queue in Remote Office Hours Queue


Remote Office Hours Queue


  • How do I open and close a queue that I host?
  • What does opening and closing the queue do?


Hosts can open and close their queues to control when attendees can join the queue.

  • Open queues can be joined by attendees
  • Closed queues cannot be joined by attendees

It is good practice to open your queue when you are available to meet with attendees, and close it when you are not available so attendees can not join when you are not there.

If you close a queue while attendees are in line or meetings are in progress, this does not delete the attendees' meetings. Attendees see a message if they are in line, but the queue has been closed: "This queue has been closed by the host, but you are still in line. Please contact the host to ensure the meeting will still happen."

Hosts can still add new attendees manually even if the queue is closed.

To open or close your queue

  1. Navigate to the Queue Management page for the queue (click on the queue from
  2. Queue Status shows whether your queue is currently Open or Closed. Click the toggle to change the queue from closed to open or open to closed
    Box with Queue Status: radio button marked Closed
    Box with Queue Status: radio button highlighted and marked Open

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Article ID: 4182
Wed 12/16/20 10:25 AM
Fri 4/14/23 6:35 PM