Publish An IVQ (Interactive Video Quizzes) In Canvas And View Responses




IVQ quizzes can be published in Canvas. There are two ways to publish a quiz; as a gradebook assignment or to embed onto a page.

Video Demo

How to Publish an IVQ


Publish as an Assignment

As students submit the quiz the Gradebook will be populated. 

Important: when publishing an IVQ as an assignment, the video should not be published anywhere else in the course (Media Gallery or embedded into content) because this can cause grade passback to fail. If the video should also be published for student review, either publish the non-IVQ version of the video or make and publish a copy of the IVQ.

  1. Create a new assignment
    1. Canvas: navigate to the course > Assignments > Assignment
  2. Enter an Assignment Name and instructions
  3. Enter the Points for the assignment
    1. IVQ calculates a grade score based on the equation (score = points x percent correct). Different points cannot be assigned to different questions, all questions are weighed the same. For example if a viewer is correct with 4 out of 5 questions the total points earned are 80 (100 x (4/5) = 80)
    2. Open ended questions are not graded but can be used to collect feedback
  4. Scroll down to the Submission Type drop-down list and select External Tool
  5. Click the Find button
  6. Select MiVideo In-Video Quizzing
  7. Select your video quiz from the list by clicking the Embed button
  8. Click Select
  9. Click Save & Publish

Embed onto a page using the Rich Text Editor

IVQs can be embedded onto Announcement pages and other pages using the Rich Text Editor. The most common option is to embed onto a Page.

Note: When IVQs are embedded elsewhere other than Assignments the IVQ score will not be reported back to Gradebook.

  1. Create a new page or content item
    1. Canvas: navigate to the course > Pages > Page
  2. Enter the page name and instructions
  3. From the Rich Text Editor toolbar select the MiVideo icon. If the MiVideo icon is not displayed in the Rich Text Editor toolbar select the downward arrow for More External Tools
  4. Use the filters to assist in locating the video. Click the Embed button to insert the video quiz onto the page
  5. Click Save & Publish

View Quiz Responses

If the IVQ is published as an Assignment, grades will be available in Gradebook.

To view individual IVQ responses:

  1. Navigate to the Media page > Actions > Analytics
  2. Click the Quiz Questions tab to see all the questions in the quiz. Click the Quiz Users tab to view the answers organized by each user. See the Interactive Video Quiz Analytics article for more information.

Additional Information

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center

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Article ID: 11303
Wed 12/6/23 2:42 PM
Thu 12/7/23 9:20 AM