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This article walks users through how to run the Business Object report titled: "Constituent Lookup by Email Address." This report is designed to pull constituents’ names, statuses, and contact information given a list of email addresses.
This article walks users through how to run the Business Object report titled: "Primary Address List by LookupID." This report is designed to pull constituents’ Primary Address(es) given a list of Constituent LookupIDs (LIDs).
This integrity check identifies active email address records containing “”, “”, “”, “”, “” so that the repeated domain extension can be removed.
This integrity check identifies email address records where the email address is blank so that they can be deleted.
This integrity check identifies duplicate email addresses on a constituent’s record so that the duplicated record(s) can be inactivated and invalidated.
This integrity check identifies when the last email validation is inconsistent with the most recent email attribute so that the email can be revalidated and a corresponding validation attribute is created.
This integrity check identifies email records on constituents that have both (1) an email that is marked as primary but is invalid (i.e., has a Do Not Email flag), and (2) a valid email address so that the valid email can be made into the primary and the old primary email can be end-dated and marked as Do Not Email.
This integrity check identifies email address records that do not contain an “@” so that they can be given a Do Not Email flag and end-dated (inactivated).
This integrity check identifies active email address records that do not have a type so that the default type value “E-mail Address” can be added.
Overview of Excel MProfile- Parents by LookupID or Email which pulls active parents and stepparents based on a LookupID or email provided by the user.