Tableau - Using a Parameter to Control Which Dashboard Viz is Displayed


Provides instructions on how to create a parameter in Tableau so the user can quickly switch between different visualizations on the same tab.


Tableau - Using a Parameter to Control Which Dashboard Viz is Displayed

What does it do?

This guide will help you to create a parameter that will allow the user to switch between different sheets in a dashboard in one tab.

Why is this done?

This will allow the user to quickly switch between different views without having to change tabs. This will provide a more user-friendly experience.

How is this done?

  • Build your sheets as you normally would. There is not a limit to the number of sheets you can include, but when the dashboard loads, and when filters are changed, it refreshes the data/view for all of the sheets even if they are not currently displayed. Rule of thumb is 2-3 sheets per tab. 

Building the Parameter

  • Create a new parameter.
  • In the "Create Parameter" dialogue box:
    • Name the parameter (this will be visible to the user)
    • Select "String" under "Data Type"
    • Select "List" under "Allowable values"
    • Input the parameter control names under "List of Values"
  • Click "OK"

Filter Each Sheets Using the New Parameter

  • For each sheet, drag the unique identifier featured in the sheet to the Filters card (e.g. Revenue ID, LookupID, etc).
  • Select the "Condition" tab and "By formula" option.
  • In the "By formula" text box, enter: [your parameter name] = 'the value you assigned in the parameter'
  • Click "OK."
  • Repeat this for each of the sheets you are including in the dashboard. 

Create a New Dashboard

  • (Optional) Drag container(s) into your sheet to meet your layout design.
  • Drag your sheets into the dashboard/containers.
  • Note that only one of your sheets has data, the others only display the Title.
  • In the toolbar click "Analysis", hover over "Parameters" and select your parameter. 
  • Tableau will place your parameter in the dashboard as it sees fit, it is likely you will want to move it to fit your layout vision. You may also want to change the selector type of the parameter. Radio buttons ("Single value list") provide a good user experience if you have the space for them.
  • Test your parameter by selecting the different values, the corresponding sheet should appear with each selection.


  • To improve the look of your dashboard, uncheck "Title" for each of the sheets.
      • Do this by clicking the drop-down on each sheet container and deselect "Title"
  • Ensure that your sheets/containers do not have "Fixed Width" checked (i.e. do not manually size the height of your sheets).
  • Add a text box with the parameter in it to take the place of the Title.



Article ID: 6940
Tue 1/4/22 11:33 AM
Mon 7/31/23 11:05 AM