Category: Attribute
Frequency: Monthly
Platform: SQL Server
Developer: IDS
Analyst: DMT
What Does It Do?
The OUD-DS3 best practice is for Windfall interest and wealth rating data to be ignored for constituents aged 25 or older who have the same primary home address as their parents, because the screenings may be skewed by their parents’ wealth.
This integrity check identifies constituents aged 25+ or with no age in DART who were given the Windfall Wealth Rating Exclusion and Windfall Interest Data Exclusion attributes because they had the same primary home address as their parents but no longer do so that the attributes can be end-dated.
How Is This Done?
This integrity check is run using two SQL Server views called [INTEGRITY_CHECKS].[dbo].[IDS.V-INTEGRITY CHECK-ATTRIBUTE-Inactivate WindFall Interest Exclusion for Adults with Diff Primary Home than Parent(DW)] and [INTEGRITY_CHECKS].[dbo].[IDS.V-INTEGRITY CHECK-ATTRIBUTE-Inactivate WindFall Wealth Rating Exclusion for Adults with Diff Primary Home than Parent(DW)] , which are located in DB-OUD > Databases > INTEGRITY_CHECKS > Views.
That view queries constituents who have the Windfall Wealth Rating Exclusion or Windfall Interest Data Exclusion attributes with the comment “OUD Integrity Check - Same Primary Home Address as Parent” and no end date, but who no longer have the same primary home address as their parent in DART so that the attribute can be end-dated.
Resources and References
Snapshot GUID: BBDW.FACT_ConstituentRelationship.ConstituentSystemID --- BBDW.FACT_ConstituentRelationship.ReciprocalConstituentSystemID (Child --- Parent)
Add Exclusion Attribute IC