Category: Constituent
Frequency: Monthly
Platform: SQL Server
Developer: IDS
Analyst: DMT
What Does It Do?
The OUD-DS3 best practice is for ‘Unknown’ ethnicity to only be used if no other constituent ethnicity information is available.
This integrity check identifies constituents with an ethnicity value of 'Unknown' and any other ethnicity value so that the Unknown value can be removed.
How Is This Done?
This integrity check is run using a SQL Server view called [INTEGRITY_CHECKS].[dbo].[IDS.V-INTEGRITY CHECK-CONSTITUENT-Remove Conflicting Unknown Ethnicity Values(DW)], which is located in DB-OUD > Databases > INTEGRITY_CHECKS > Views.
That view queries constituents that have an ethnicity value of ‘Unknown’ or ‘Not Indic’ as well as any other ethnicity value so that the ‘Unknown’ or ‘Not Indic’ ethnicity values can be removed.
Resources and References
Snapshot GUID: BBDW.FACT_ConstituentEthnicity.ConstituentSystemID