Matching Gifts


Definitions of standard and third-party matching gifts


A matching gift is a gift given out of obligation which matches another gift (or volunteer hours, etc.). This match is not always a 1:1 ratio. The gift that triggers the matching gift is called the matched gift.


An individual makes a gift and that individual works for a company with a matching gift agreement. A matching gift claim is automatically generated. When the company sends in the payment for the matching gift, the claim is paid off (like a pledge).

Application Type


Transaction Type


Matching gift



Table 1. Fields and values used to identify standard matching gifts.

Third-Party (Benevity, YourCause)

An individual makes a gift and that individual works for a company with a matching gift agreement. A matching gift claim is automatically generated. When the third-party matching gift organization sends in the payment for the matching gift, it is recorded as a gift payment instead of a matching gift payment against the claim.

Application Type

Transaction Type

Recognition Type

Inbound Channel

Additional Comments




Third Party Corp & Matching

LIKE ‘%Benevity%’


LIKE ‘%YourCause%’

Table 2. Fields and values used to identify third-party matching gifts.

* Matching recognition credit is given to the matched gift donor, so queries must look for transactions where any constituent received Matching recognition credit.

Querying Matching Gifts in Business Objects

Capturing third-party gifts in Business Objects must be done with a subquery, as shown in Figure 1. Any query criteria to capture the base population should be repeated in the subquery.

Figure 1. Business Objects query for matching gifts, including both standard and third-party.



Article ID: 12820
Tue 10/1/24 12:17 PM
Tue 10/1/24 12:19 PM