DART Reporting Definitions- Events
Use this document to understand key terms used in UDE reporting requests.
Active Constituent
A constituent who is living/engageable.
Any entity that can engage with U-M, including individuals, companies, organizations, groups, and committees. To request a specific type of constituent, please indicate the exact type e.g. individuals.
U-M degreed and non-degreed alumni (anyone who attended at least 1 semester at U-M).
Degreed Alumni
U-M alumni who received a degree from U-M.
Any constituent (individuals, organizations, groups) with lifetime recognition to U-M greater than 0.
Individual Donors
Any individual constituent with lifetime recognition to U-M greater than 0.
Lifetime Recognition
Includes payments "through the door". This is defined as Payments received and the outstanding balances on Pledges and Planned Gifts. With this method, as a Pledge is paid off the remaining balance will decrease while the Payments increase. This method DOES consider balance write-offs (Production Style does not). Life Insurance is counted at its face value (no premium payments are counted).
This also includes monies from Alumni Association memberships, the UMHS Kids Camp (Known as NorthStar Reach), and Preferred Seat Contributions. These are found in Other-Other-Payments.
A parent of a U-M current student or alumni.
Current Parent
A parent of a U-M current student.
Any constituent who has a prospect manager at U-M.
Valid Address
A valid address is any address that is deliverable meaning mail can be delivered to the address. Non-valid addresses are indicated based on the yellow flag in DART.
Primary Address
The main postal address of a constituent is the most commonly used address in reporting requests. It is indicated in DART based on the bold address.
Primary Metro Area (PMA)
The US Census Bureau defines/controls PMA, which includes any city you can commute to within a 45-minute radius. We use this for mailings a lot. For example, Ann Arbor PMA includes territory north as Flint and south as Toledo. Primary (PMA) casts a larger net than Greater (GMA). Primary is your go-to.
Greater Metro Area (GMA)
GMA is defined/controlled by the US Census Bureau and includes the cities closest to a particular city (any city touching its borders).
Major Gift Region (MGR)
UM defined and used for OUD Regional Gift Officers. The closer you are to Ann Arbor, the smaller and more numerous the regions get because alumni are more concentrated. The farther out you get, the larger the regions become as alumni are more spread out.