DART - Constituent Affiliations


A “Constituent Affiliation” or simply an “Affiliation” is a way to track connections between constituents and the University. Constituent affiliations can also be used to track connections between constituents and a Unit, School, or College. Constituent affiliations generally answer the question “How is this constituent engaged with Michigan?”. Constituent affiliations can also be used to track specific internal processes that affect specific DART records (e.g. if a constituent is screened by


What is a “Constituent Affiliation”?

A “Constituent Affiliation” or simply an “Affiliation” is a way to track connections between constituents and the University.  Constituent affiliations can also be used to track connections between constituents and a Unit, School, or College. Constituent affiliations generally answer the question “How is this constituent engaged with Michigan?”.  Constituent affiliations can also be used to track specific internal processes that affect specific DART records (e.g. if a constituent is screened by the OUD Prospect Analytics and Development (PDA) team, the record may get a constituent affiliation). Constituent affiliations are heavily utilized in reports and marketing efforts to segment specific populations.

Constituent Affiliation Data Standard


Common Constituent Affiliation Categories


How Can I Find My Unit’s Constituent Affiliations? 

There are many reports that can be used to find constituent affiliations. 

MProfile - Individuals with Constituent Affiliations

  • This report pulls a full MProfile where the population is any active individual with a user-specified constituent affiliation. 

Constituents by Constituent Affiliation with AffiliationSystemID

  • This report pulls all Constituents with the user-specified constituent affiliation. This report also includes the GUID needed to update affiliations in DART.


How do I Add a Constituent Affiliation to a DART Record? 

If you are a DART Self-Service User, add constituent affiliations directly to DART records.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

To update 20 or fewer DART records, please contact the Gift and Records team.

  • You will need to provide all pieces of information corresponding to the Constituent Affiliation Data Standard.

To update 20+ DART records, please contact the Data Management team

  • You will need to fill out this template which can also be found on their service page linked above. 




Article ID: 10532
Fri 7/28/23 10:17 AM
Wed 11/20/24 10:25 AM