Switch Primary from Invalid Address to Current Home

Category: Address

Frequency: Monthly

Platform: SQL Server

Owner: IDS


What Does It Do?

The OUD-DS3 best practice is for a valid address to be flagged as primary when a constituent has a valid address. This will allow more constituents to be contacted via postal mailings.

This integrity check identifies address records on constituents that have both (1) an address that is marked as primary but is invalid (i.e., has a Do Not Mail flag), and (2) a valid home address so that the home address can be made into the primary and the old primary address can be end-dated and marked as Do Not Mail.

How Is This Done?

This integrity check is run using two SQL Server views called [INTEGRITY_CHECKS].[dbo].[IDS.V-INTEGRITY CHECK-ADDRESS-Bad Primary Flag Switch-Is Primary(DW)] and [INTEGRITY_CHECKS].[dbo].[IDS.V-INTEGRITY CHECK-ADDRESS-Bad Primary Flag Switch-End Date(DW)] which are located in DB-OUD > Databases > INTEGRITY_CHECKS > Views.

The “Is Primary” view queries all home address records which are not listed as Do Not Mail for constituents with an invalid primary address. It adds a primary flag to these address records. The End Date” view queries all primary addresses which are listed as Do Not Mail for constituents with valid home addresses. It adds a Do Not Mail flag and an end date of the integrity check run date to these address records.

First, the home address records are made primary, and then the old (invalid) primary address records are given an end date and a Do Not Mail flag.

Resources and References