Category: Affiliation
Frequency: Monthly
Platform: SQL Server
Developer: IDS
Analyst: DMT
What Does It Do?
The OUD-DS3 best practice is for retiree records to be end-dated if the constituent has active employment information.
This integrity check identifies active UM faculty and staff who also have a UM employment faculty/staff retiree affiliation so that the retiree record can be end-dated with the start date of the active appointment.
How Is This Done?
This integrity check is run using a SQL Server view called [INTEGRITY_CHECKS].[dbo].[IDS.V-INTEGRITY CHECK-AFFILIATION-End Date UM Retiree Record if UM Active(DW)], which is located in DB-OUD > Databases > INTEGRITY_CHECKS > Views.
That view queries constituents with both U-M Staff - Active or U-M Faculty - Active and a U-M Staff - Retired or U-M Faculty - Retired affiliations. The retiree affiliation is given an end date that is the same as the start date of the active affiliation.
Resources and References
Snapshot GUID: bbdw.usr_dim_cnst_affltn.constituentsystemid