Reconcile Deceased MiMed Constituents

Category: MiMed

Frequency: Monthly

Platform: DART Query

Owner: IDS


What Does It Do?

The OUD-DS3 best practice is for MiMed and DART to be in sync on deceased status for constituents.

This integrity check identifies constituents marked as deceased by MiMed so that they can be marked as deceased in DART. 

How Is This Done?

This integrity check is run using a DART query called “MiMed Deceased Audit”, which is located in Information Library > Users > krriegle.

That report queries constituents with MIMED Data records that are not marked as deceased in DART but are ineligible from MiMed mail because they are deceased.

The results of this query are sent to GRA for review and updates using the DART Deceased Verification shared spreadsheet with notification of new records to review via a Team Dynamix ticket.