How do I disable a scheduled recording, or stop all scheduled recordings in the Lecture Recording Service?


Disable a Scheduled Recording

You can disable a specific scheduled recording by following these steps:

Schedule button

  • Find the recording listed in the Upcoming Scheduled Recordings box.
  • Click the disable text to the right of the recording listing - the color of the recording will turn red indicating it is disabled:

disable button for upcoming scheduled recordings

Stop All Scheduled Recordings

You can remove all of the scheduled recordings from your site using the following steps:

Schedule button

  • Find the schedule you wish to remove in the Schedule Items box, and click the red button with the X on the right:

Delete button for schedule items

  • There will be a confirmation that appears to remove the scheduled item. Click Delete
  • As you remove schedules, upcoming recordings listed to the left will disappear.



Article ID: 8762
Thu 8/25/22 3:52 PM
Fri 7/14/23 1:27 PM