How do I embed a Google Map into a page in WordPress?


Embedding a Standard Google Map

1. Go to Google Maps and search for the address of the location you wish to display.

2. When the map appears, click on the Share button located just under your search result.

example google map embed with share button

3. Click on the Embed map tab and copy the code in the box. You can use the drop-down menu to change the size of the map which will update the code in the box:

options for embed block

4. Copy the HTML and paste into an HTML Block in the area where you would like the map to be displayed.

5. Click on the Save Draft, Update, or Publish button.

For more information, refer to the main Google Maps Help page.


Embedding a Custom Google Map

1. Go to Google Maps Engine and select Create a new map or Open a map if you've already created one.

2. After your map is loaded, click Share in the upper left hand corner.

share button for map

3. A Sharing Settings window will appear where you can select who can see your map. Make sure "Public on the web" is chosen. If another setting is chosen, click Change and select "Public on the web" and click Save.

4. Once you have closed out of the Sharing window, click the ellipsis and select the "Embed on my site" option from the drop-down menu. An "Embed this map" window will appear with HTML code for your map. Copy this code.

embed link pop-up

5. Go to the editing page of where you would like the map to be displayed and click on the Custom HTML block to paste the coded code into that block.

custom html block

6. Click on the Save Draft, Update, or Publish button.

For more information, refer to the Google Maps Engine Help page.



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