What sections, subsections, and questions are available in the Faculty Activity Report (FAR) system?


The Faculty Activity Report (FAR) system is separated into numerous sections and subsections. Each subsection has one or more questions with one or more prompts to enter information. The sections, subsections, and questions available are listed below. Departments can enable or disable sub-sections but cannot choose individual questions within a subsection to show or hide. Before a FAR cycle begins, departments must decide which questions their FAR will include, as this cannot be changed once a FAR cycle begins and faculty members begin entering data.

With the exception of the custom questions in the "Additional Information" section, questions cannot be changed. This is so that data is collected consistently across the College.

Section Subsections
(can be enabled/disabled)
(when the respective subsection is enabled, these questions/prompts are included)
General Information Appointments Preferred Name
Positions at U-M
External (Non-U-M) Positions
Degrees Attained
Teaching Courses Taught Courses Taught
Additional Comments
PhD Students Supervised PhD Students Supervised
PhD Committees PhD Committees
Directed Studies Master’s Student Directed Studies
Undergrad Student Directed Studies
Other Student Projects
Summary and Plans Describe your significant contributions to teaching during the past year, including course development, laboratories supervised, etc.
Describe your future goals and plans in teaching.
Research Programs & Directions Grants & Contracts Grants & Contracts
Proposals Proposals
Publications Full articles in refereed journals, transactions or archives
Short communication, letters, notes, or briefs in refereed publications
Refereed conference summaries or abstracts
Chapters in books
Book reviews
Government, university or industrial reports (non-refereed)
Publications in popular press/magazines
Peer reviewed presentations
Presentations you were invited to give
Abstracts and presentations at non-refereed conferences
Other submitted publications
Research Personnel Research Personnel
Offsets Winter Offset %
Estimated Fall Offset %
Additional Information
Summary and Plans Briefly summarize your current research program
Briefly summarize your future goals and plans in research
Patents & Tech Patents Patents Awarded
Patents Pending
Licensing, Tech Transfer & Entrepreneurship Licensing Activities and Technology Transfer
Other Major Technology Transfer Activities
Startups and Entrepreneurial Activities
Other Activities Other Patent, Licensing, or Tech Transfer Activities
Service & Outreach Internal Service Department/Division Committees
College of Engineering Committees
University of Michigan Committees
Administrative Duties at University of Michigan
External Service National and International Services
Editorial Activities
Service to Government, Professional Organizations, or Service on Review Board/Study Panels
Mentorship Outreach that Is Not Part of Service, Teaching, or Entrepreneurship
Significant Mentorship of Faculty Colleagues
Other Service Other Service
Outreach Outreach Related to Teaching, Research, etc.
Summary and Plans Describe your significant contributions in service during the past year.
Describe your future goals and plans in service
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Continuing Education DEI Continuing Education
DEI Activities & Practices DEI Activities/Practices in Instruction
DEI Activities/Practices in Research
DEI Activities/Practices in Service
Summary and Plans Briefly reflect on any new insights, practices, enacted policies, or other actions you have changed or instituted from your participation in DEI activities over the past year in the space below.
What is your plan around anti-racism and broader DEI issues for next year?
Honors & Awards Internal and External Awards Faculty Awards Received this Year
Best Paper Awards Best Paper Awards
Award Nominations of Others Award Nominations of Others
Additional Information Additional Questions Any number of custom narrative-style (text area) or yes/no questions can be added by a department.
Professional Development Professional Development
Suggestions or Comments for the Chair Suggestions or Comments for the Chair
Impact Summary Describe your specific engineering accomplishments, contributions, and/or leadership activities using approximately 150 words.
Discuss the impact of the work you cited above using approximately 150 words.
Number of archival publications
Number of books authored
Number of significant technical reports
Number of book chapters
Number of US patents
Number of innovations/products/processes
H-Index (Source)
List up to five significantly impactful publications, describe the impact, and provide evidence if possible.
List up to five significantly impactful innovations, briefly describe the impact, and provide evidence if possible.
List principal technical society and service board memberships, offices, and activities.
List your 5-10 most significant professional honors, awards, prizes, honorary degrees (with institutions and dates).
Summarize your key contribution to engineering in 25 words or fewer.
Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae (file upload)



Article ID: 5244
Tue 5/4/21 12:30 PM
Thu 3/9/23 1:10 PM