How do I request Lecture Recording for my courses or events?


Multiple methods are shared for how to request a Lecture Recording site.


There are several methods for requesting Lecture Recording for your classes, seminars, discussions, office hours, review sessions, and more:

  • Use CAEN's Lecture Recording Site Request form to request recording for your course. Office hours, seminars, events, review sessions and more may also be requested.
  • College of Engineering faculty can visit the CAEN Lecture Recording Auto Setup Portal to address each class they are listed as the instructor for. While only LEC sections are scheduled to be recorded by default per the College of Engineering, any section type that meets in a Lecture Recording-enabled venue may use the service,  
  • To make a site request through an existing Canvas Course site, go to the Settings page and enable Lecture Recordings in the Navigation tab.. Step-by-step instructions can be found here.
  • If your course meets in a Central Campus venue, requests can be submitted to LSA via their Lecture Recording Support page. 

Lecture Recording is another tool to support equitable and inclusive teaching practices, offering students flexibility and access. Many students use Lecture Recording to revisit material and prepare for exams, often allowing them to be more engaged during class instead of feverishly scribbling notes or paying more attention to what is being typed on their laptop. This CRLT blog post may have some valuable tips to provide your students with guidelines ​a​nd suggestions about using Lecture Recordings as a supplemental resource.



Article ID: 5129
Tue 5/4/21 9:30 AM
Tue 12/3/24 10:40 AM