Bake Sales Guidelines:
a) Commercially prepared foods are preferred. Simple baked goods e.g.
cookies, brownies, cupcakes, muffins, etc. are acceptable as part of fundraising.
b) Food that must be kept hot or cold prior to serving cannot be sold.
c) Serve non-filled baked goods such as donuts, bagels, and muffins.
d) Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate may be served. The hot chocolate mix must be single-serve or pour spout.
e) Provide sugar and powdered cream in individual packages.
f) Provide Jam or Jelly in pre-packaged individual containers.
g) Use juices only in individually packaged containers (Juices cannot be iced or refrigerated
h) Store foods and supplies off the floor.
i) Cover all baked goods during display and storage.
j) Use single-service cups, utensils, and plates. Store cups with the bottom up. Do not
handle the rim of cups.
k) Serve baked goods to the customer using a napkin or waxed paper square.
l) Protect food from contamination at all times and keep the work surface clean.
m) No food may be cooked or prepared on hot plates, pancake griddles, grills, or any
other such device. NO PANCAKES OR HOT DOGS!!!
n) More information on proper food handling and storage can be found on the EHS food
and safety website.
o) It is the responsibility of the student group for reporting and payment of obligations
for taxes (including sales and use taxes).