Issue / Topic
This document defines the requirements for integrating a Supplier into the University of Michigan Marketsite+ procurement application. Marketsite+ is a University of Michigan branded version of the SciQuest Select Site application hosted in the SciQuest headquarters. The catalog content, and pricing, accessed by University of Michigan end users will be through a hosted catalog, maintained and updated by SciQuest with pricing and catalog files provided by the supplier.
Resolution / Description
Equipment orders in excess of $25,000 per item through Marketsite+ will be approved by Procurement Services before the purchase order is sent to the Supplier.
Marketsite+ provides only catalog and order processing functionality for the University and has no relationship with the supplier regarding invoicing or payment.
• Purchase Order: This is the unique number transmitted with each order sent from Marketsite+. This number is to be used by the supplier to track/validate orders received from Marketsite+. If the Supplier requires customers to provide this number when inquiring about an order/return, the Supplier must include this number on the packing list. Otherwise, it is an optional field on the packing list. This purchase order number must appear on all invoices or electronic invoicing files.
• Dept. Ref#: This is a field that is provided by the customer placing the order. It is an internal tracking number.
Each order should have Dept. Ref #.
a. Supplier hosted site must allow access and provide full functionality for both PCs and Macs.
b. Provide shipping fees on the shipping confirmation or order acknowledgement, if applicable.
c. Provide a dedicated Project Manager and participate in regularly scheduled Marketsite+ status meetings.
d. Set up account numbers to receive the Marketsite+ Orders.
e. Map the Dept. Ref # and the PO# onto the appropriate fields in the electronic invoicing files, email order confirmation, and packing slip.
f. Provide only University approved items with University contract pricing on files to be loaded into Marketsite+.
g. Provide a hosted catalog with item descriptions in standard upper and lower case text.
h. Provide the current list price for all items listed in the hosted catalog.
i. Provide the following fields when submitting the catalog file: Category, Part Number, Product Description, Product Size, Unit of Measure (UOM), the University Contracted Price, Image File if available, Product Flags, Product Attributes and additional descriptors.
j. Provide only University approved issue units in the Marketsite+ catalog. Electronic invoicing files must deliver the same issue units as displayed in the Marketsite+ catalog.
k. Provide updates for hosted catalog. Pricing and product changes to the Marketsite+ catalog must be approved by the University prior to submission. Changes become effective when the Marketsite+ catalog and the University’s Item Master File have the same records. The coordination of the effective dating of the price and product changes is the shared responsibility of the Supplier and the University.
l. Load and update ship to addresses as needed based on system requirements.
m. Requisitioner will create one (1) Marketsite+ Purchase Order per shipping address. If a requisitioner requires products to be shipped to different addresses, separate Marketsite+ Purchase Orders will be created. Ship all products on a Marketsite+ Purchase Order to a single shipping address.
n. Users are not allowed to ad hoc a shipping address. If a new address is set up in University of Michigan’s application, the new address is certified as a valid ship-to location. Supplier will ship to all University of Michigan ship codes supplied through Marketsite+ on the Marketsite+ Purchase Order.
o. The default “Deliver To” information will contain information such as user name and room #. End users are able to change the “Deliver To” information, which will be passed on the Marketsite+ Order. The “Deliver To/Attention to” segment will be mapped as the “Ship-to Attention” line, which is 30 characters long.
p. Encourage end users to use Marketsite+ when ordering because it validates delivery and invoicing information.
q. Support University of Michigan orders that cannot be placed through Marketsite+.
r. Change orders are accomplished by contacting Supplier customer service prior to the order being shipped, or receiving and returning the original order and creating a new requisition/purchase order. User will be informed not to use electronic change orders. Supplier will support a manual process for change orders.
s. Copy the assigned University of Michigan Contract Administrator on all communications with SciQuest staff related to catalog or price file changes, additions, and deletions.
t. Use the SciQuest functionality that supports the product classifications. Examples include hazardous materials, radioactive, controlled substance, toxins, select agents, and greens (recycled items). Patriot Act items should be classified as select agents.
u. Accept orders for expedited and scheduled shipments of product from requisitioners by phone or fax and process those orders outside of the Marketsite+ application.
v. Notify SciQuest Support ( and University of Michigan Tier 2 Support ( when their ability to accept orders transmitted from SciQuest is interrupted for any reason.
Supplier Will Not:
a. Support rush orders via Marketsite+ Purchase Order.
b. Support carrier or shipping methods specified on electronic orders. Transportation will be handled according to best method or binding contractual agreement set up on University of Michigan account(s).
c. Support requested/required delivery dates sent in the Marketsite+ Purchase Order. Orders will be shipped according to availability and binding contractual agreements for processing.
d. Guarantee the estimated ship date accuracy for third party orders.
e. Guarantee the shipment date for Direct Factory Ship items. No control over outside systems. f. Redirect end users to their public site when connectivity outages with the Marketsite+ arise.
Once orders are approved per University of Michigan business rules, they will be translated and transmitted from the Marketsite+ to Supplier. The Supplier may elect to receive Marketsite+ Order information by fax, email, or cXML. Format and requirement of each form of order are defined below.
Shipping label and packing slip from faxed orders must contain, at a minimum, the following information. The location of the information on the fax order is referenced by number:
Shipping Label:
• University of Michigan
• Deliver Name
• Deliver To
• Address Line 1
• Address Line 2
• City, State & Zip Code
• Country ** required if shipping outside USA
• PO# *** preferred but not mandatory
Packing Slip:
• PO#
• Deliver Name
• Deliver To
• Address Line 1
• Address Line 2
• City, State & Zip Code
• PO Date
• Order # - If required by supplier, this in an internal Supplier number for order tracking
• Catalog No
• Product Name
• Unit Price
• Qty/UOM
• Extended Price
• Quantity Shipped - Order Dependent
• Quantity Backordered - Order Dependent
• - Dept Ref #
• STATEMENT: <insert Supplier name> verifies that it is in compliance with the Service Level Agreement dated
<insert date>.
Fax & Email Order Example
See Section 8 for an example of a fax and email order containing the requested information.
cXML Order Example
See Section 9 for an example of a cXML order containing the requested information.
An Order Acknowledgement confirming receipt of the Marketsite+ Order is required for each order placed. This acknowledgement is sent by email directly to the University of Michigan end user who placed the order.
This acknowledgement must contain, at a minimum, the following information:
• PO#
• Order Date
• Dept Ref #
• Catalog Item Number
• Product Name
• Unit Price
• Qty/UOM
• Extended Price
• Shipping charges if applicable
The Supplier, if able, shall provide a Shipping Acknowledgement, confirming that product requested on the Marketsite+ Order has been shipped by the Supplier. This acknowledgement is sent by email directly to the University of Michigan end user who placed the order.
This acknowledgement must contain, at a minimum, the following information:
• PO#
• Date Shipped
• Order Date
• Dept Ref #
• Catalog Item Number
• Product Name
• Unit Price
• Qty/UOM
• Extended Price
• Tracking Number of Shipper/Carrier if applicable
a. Supplier creates hosted Marketsite+ catalog for the University of Michigan with approved contracted items and pricing.
b. Supplier catalog functionality is tested and certified by the University of Michigan.
c. Supplier sends Catalog Pricing files to the University of Michigan.
d. Contracted catalog items reviewed for accuracy including issue units.
e. Pricing files reviewed for accuracy.
f. Marketsite+ Purchase Order flow certification, cXML, FAX, or email from SciQuest to Supplier.
g. Format and delivery certification of order acknowledgements to end users from Supplier.
h. Format and delivery certification of shipping acknowledgements from Supplier (optional).
i. Format and delivery certification of shipping label from Supplier. j. Format and delivery certification of packing slip from Supplier.
k. University of Michigan will sign off on Testing in order to certify the Supplier being added to the Production site.
At 30, 60 and 90 days post go-live the University has the option to reconvene a conference call. Discussions will include:
• Integration Issues
• Delivery Issues

<UserProfile username="aaiello">
<Supplier id="4069252"/>
<AddressLine linenumber="1">Accounts Payable</AddressLine>
<AddressLine linenumber="2">5091 Wolverine Tower</AddressLine>
<AddressLine linenumber="3">3003 S. State Street</AddressLine>
<City>Ann Arbor</City>
<Country isocountrycode="US">USA</Country>
<Contact linenumber="1">RM 7014 Andrew Aiello</Contact>
<Contact linenumber="3"></Contact>
<Contact linenumber="4">734-615-2678</Contact>
<AddressLine linenumber="1">WOLVERINE TOWER</AddressLine>
<AddressLine linenumber="2">3003 S STATE</AddressLine>
<City>ANN ARBOR</City>
<PostalCode>48108 1658</PostalCode>
<Country isocountrycode="US">USA</Country>
<CustomFieldValueSet name="Shortcode" label="Shortcode">
<CustomFieldValueSet name="Dept Ref #" label="Dept Ref #">
<Value>TEST ORDER</Value>
<RequisitionRef id="123443"/>
<POLine linenumber="1">
<Description>Bigelow Constant Comment Tea</Description>
<ProductUnitOfMeasure type="supplier">
<Money currency="USD">3.24</Money>
<RequisitionLineRef id="377677"/>
<POLine linenumber="2">
<Description>Bigelow Plantation Mint Tea</Description>
<ProductUnitOfMeasure type="supplier">
<Money currency="USD">3.24</Money>
<RequisitionLineRef id="377678"/>
<POLine linenumber="3">
<Description>Bigelow Chinese Fortune Tea</Description>
<ProductUnitOfMeasure type="supplier">
<Money currency="USD">3.24</Money>
<RequisitionLineRef id="377679"/>